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Spelling Variations - HIGHAM and HYAM

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Wayne Report 28 Nov 2015 12:14

I am tracing an ancestor

Alice Higham or Hyam born 1854, Crewe.

She married William Henshall on 06 April 1874.

On the marriage record summary Nantwich 8a, 460 the list of people are:

William Henshall
Alice Higham
Alice Hyam
Louisa Parr
Samuel Whittingham

5 people - why not 6?

William Henshall is definitely one of my ancestors and the Crewe/Nantwich location is correct. William Henshall was born in Manchester and there is an Alice Higham on the 1871 census (birthplace Crewe) working in Manchester as a servant.

Also I cant find an Alice Higham in the Crewe area around 1861/1871

So the question is - Are Alice Higham and Alice Hyam the same person and why are there two spellings in the wedding entry?



Potty Report 28 Nov 2015 12:30

Duplicate thread - posts on the other one.