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Photos of Trevetts

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+++DetEcTive+++ Report 21 Nov 2015 09:42

The Kent staff are realistic. When I made enquires about my own grt grt grandmothers records they did say I could view them, but if the record was adjacent to one still within the 100 year rule, they'd sit with me and put a piece of paper over that one.
You'd probably be ok as
A) she died
B) she would have probably been born before 1915.

Unfortunately the record didn't have a photo. She'd contracted pneumonia with a few days of admission & died. Other records did have photos. Perhaps the photographer only visited periodically?


JayneB Report 20 Nov 2015 22:32

Thank you for both of your suggestions. I will try the Kent archives first as they may be easier to access than the National Archives records.

If I can prove that she died in 1938 and could prove next of kin etc would the records still remain closed?


Louise2212 Report 20 Nov 2015 22:22
Gives a bit more info about the collection.

You might be best contacting the archive staff at Kent Archives to see if they have any ideas

Kent History & Library Centre
James Whatman Way
ME14 1LQ
Tel: 03000 41 31 31
Email: [email protected]


Louise2212 Report 20 Nov 2015 22:19

A brief description of the records can be found at:

There's no mention of photos - but it does say

"Conditions of access:
NB:Some of these records, containing confidential medical information, are closed to the public for 100 years: Note entries under "content summary" for details of embargo period for individual documents.

Access may be granted under certain very particular circumstances: see staff for details"

So even if there is pictures of your great-grandmother, you may not be able to access them


JayneB Report 20 Nov 2015 22:15

I forgot to say that she was born Trevett but died Rowe


JayneB Report 20 Nov 2015 22:11

Does anyone know if it is possible to find pictures of people admitted to psychiatric units in the 1930's?

My great grandmother Florence Trevett was admitted to Oakwood Hospital, Barming Heath , Kent on 25th May 1938 and died there on 11th June 1938, cause of death Epilepsy.

I am aware that psychiatric hospitals used to take photos of patients when they were admitted however I have been unable to track Florence's records.

My grandmother was brought up in Esher Place, a Shaftsbury home for girls, and does not remember her mother. She is now getting on in her years and is in poor health and the one thing she keeps asking for is a photo of her mother.

If anyone knows how I might find a photo or any records which might help with a description of Florence I would be very grateful.

Thank you in advance :-)