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John Jarrett
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Maddie | Report | 7 Nov 2015 15:46 |
1841 ????? |
S | Report | 7 Nov 2015 15:16 |
My 2x grt grandfather John Jarrett and grandmother are both a bit of a road block. From my great grandparents wedding Cert I know John was a mariner. I also believe that he died in West Hartlepool around Aug 1876. His wife was Eliza McQuestion I believe born Liverpool 1850. I am not sure where John is from though I believe it is Norfolk and I have conflicting dates of birth from 1836 to 1844! His marriage record says Richard Garrett was his father. Eliza disappears after John dies in 1876, with their three children Richard, Eliza and Georgina. I believe she remarried a Thomas Gamble but I can find no trace of my ancestor Georgina until she marries my gr grandfather in Hartlepool in 1899. I believe that they may go to Ireland as I found a 1901 census, back in Hartlepool, with Eliza Gamble and a new set of children born in Ireland. Is there anywhere that I might trace Georgina, Eliza And Richard in Ireland? And can anyone help with info on John? |