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Stephen Sadler

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JoonieCloonie Report 7 Nov 2015 21:44

Diane, thread after thread after thread

please learn about using this site!

one post about a person - *one* post about the same person

completely unfair to ask for help as if you have never been offered any before, and let kind people waste time offering the same suggestions

all you do is click on 'my threads' over on the left to find your previous threads and add a new message to one of them asking whether anyone might have any further ideas

you still have not got a tree at this site with Stephen in it - why?

and you seem not to want to tell us whether you have contacted the person who has him in their tree, who is also one of the two people besides yourself who have (one with the birthdate slightly off)

Dorothy Bovey 1918 Portsmouth Hampshire...
Dorothy Bovey 1917 Portsmouth Hampshire...

if Stephen came here and searched for his name in family trees, he would not find you

if he or a member of his adoptive family searches trees here they -will- find his name in your tree if it is there

the chance of them ever seeing this message on the other hand is slim to nil

you get advice and don't take it ... and ask all over again ... but not again hopefully after this

and no, deleting a thread and starting a new one is -not- playing by the rules

and now, in case this hasn't been pointed out before, there was -no- Stephen Sadler birth registered in England in fourth quarter 1943 or first quarter 1944 with mother Sadler

the only Stephen births with mother Sadler in England were in 1954 and 1963

the one that malyon has referred to, registered in eary 1944, had mother Bovey

his mother was Dorothy Sadler by marriage only ... the couple married in 1934

is it his mother's or his father's family who are looking for him? it is a relevant question as it is possible, if the two families are not in touch, that the other family has been in contact with him

... and I see on further internet searching that you (or someone else involved in this search) know that his mother remarried and emigrated with her other Sadler children ... not to be intrusive, but a simple births search shows the situation ... you appear to be connected with his mother? are you in touch with his mother's family?

it's been pointed out repeatedly that the answer to 'Does any one know This gentleman Please.' is going to be no.

so why not give the information you have to the people you know, by now, are going to try to help you?


ArgyllGran Report 7 Nov 2015 11:51

PM from Diane:

From: Diane Sadler

10:46 AM

Thankyou for your advice.

I am Stephens sister so will try one of the agencies.

Regards Diane.


ArgyllGran Report 7 Nov 2015 10:30

Someone else looking for him:

and an old post of Diane's:

As far as I can see, it looks as if you have still not put Stephen's name on your GR tree, Diane - assuming you have a tree on here, that is.
Or perhaps tree owner "Suzanne" is another member of your family?


malyon Report 7 Nov 2015 10:24

there is a stephen born in abingdon reg march1944 he could have been born in late 1943


PricklyHolly Report 7 Nov 2015 10:11

Probably just coincidence.......but details of a 1991 marriage sent by PM.

Electoral Roll details also sent.



ArgyllGran Report 7 Nov 2015 10:01

Another thread about this man:


ArgyllGran Report 7 Nov 2015 09:59

It's highly unlikely that anyone who knows him will happen to come across your post, unfortunately.

Have you registered with any of the adoption search agencies?
If he should happen to be looking for birth relatives, then they would be able to put him in touch with you.

(I'm assuming you are related. If you're enquiring here on behalf of his birth family, but are not a member of his family yourself, then of course one of them would have to register.)

For example:


Diane Report 7 Nov 2015 09:25

This gentleman was adopted in Maidstone Kent in 1944

He has a large family who would Love to get in touch.

His birth mother was Dorothy Sadler and he was born in November 1943 in


Does any one know This gentleman Please.