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William Allen

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William Report 6 Oct 2015 17:20


I'm been trying to determine who my gr gr grandfather was for over thirty years and am stuck.

As it is a common name and there is no middle name either I have reached the nearest hit which I would like some help with.

He could be William Allen born at Ashby magna Leics on 2nd March 1813. He and his family seemed to have moved to Edmondthorpe Leics where he was christened on 18th November 1813.

If I can get confirmation that this is the same person I could move on.

The William at Edmondthorpe may be my gr gr grandfather who married Frances Huddleston in Leicester in 1835 and a son, also William in 1838. Frances was born in Wymondham, a village close by in 1815 and died there in 1841

I am hoping that with your help I can piece these bits together and proove that these three Williams as being the same person

I don't know or where my gr gr grandfather. died.but sorting out the above may lead me on to finding out.

Thank you

Will Allen


MarieCeleste Report 6 Oct 2015 17:34

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