(for address on 1901!)
Chris :)
05 May 1900 - Walsall Advertiser - Walsall, West Midlands, England
BLOXWICH On Tuesday, at the Walsall Police Court (Capt. W. H. Brookes presiding), John Booth, described as a waggoner, of Goscote, was summoned for having deserted his wife Lydia Booth, of 26, Providence Lane, Leamore, who applied tor a maintenance order. Complainant stated that three weeks ago he took his clothes away and she had had no money from him since. Ordered to pay 8s. a week to his wife.
1901 (Find My Past) Lydia Booth Head Married Female 52 1849 - Bloxwich, Staffordshire, England George Booth Son Single Male 33 1868 Public Road Lamp Lighter Bloxwich, Staffordshire, England William Booth Son Single Male 28 1873 Coal Miner Bloxwich, Staffordshire, England Isabella Booth Daughter Single Female 19 1882 Curse Stitcher Bloxwich, Staffordshire, England Joseph Booth Son Single Male 17 1884 Coal Miner Bloxwich, Staffordshire, England Albert Booth Son - Male 15 1886 Bridle Bit Bobber Bloxwich, Staffordshire, England Maud Booth Son - Female 12 1889 - Bloxwich, Staffordshire, England Prudence Booth Son - Female 9 1892 - Walsall, Staffordshire, England Street Providence Lane Parish Walsall County Staffordshire Municipal ward Leamore Registration district Walsall Archive reference RG13 Piece number 2696 Folio 73 Page 30
(at Below, 1911, states 11 children born, 11 living)
10 West Street Leamore Near Walsall, Walsall, Staffordshire, England
Deaths Dec 1918 (>99%) ---------------------------------------------- Booth Lydia 70 Walsall 6b 1475
Baptism County Staffordshire Place Bloxwich Church name Wesleyan Methodist Chapel Register type Register entry number 334 Baptism date 01 May 1849 Birth date 02 Oct 1848 Person forename Lydia Person sex F Person abode Bloxwich Father forename George Father surname CHIDLOW Mother forename Martha
(below looks to go with post by Mary)
County Staffordshire Place Wolverhampton Church name St Peter Register type Register entry number 320418 Marriage date 9 Sep 1844 Groom forename Thomas Groom surname BOOTH Groom condition Bachelor Groom abode Wolverhampton Groom occupation Labourer Bride forename Mary Bride surname KAY Bride condition Spinster Bride abode Wolverhampton Groom father forename J Groom father surname BOOTH Groom father occupation Cordwainer Bride father forename M Bride father surname KAY Bride father occupation Labourer Witness1 forename T Witness1 surname HOLDING Witness2 forename J Jr Witness2 surname BIDDULPH
Marriages Sep 1844 (>99%) ---------------------------------------------------------- BOOTH Thomas Wolverhampton 17 340 KAY Mary Wolverhampton &c 17 340
Malyon, that's not her in 1881...she is with her parents John and Lydia
Hi again. I am convinced! Nothing else makes sense. Brilliant research, and lots of thinking 'outside the box', as they say. Thank you SO much everyone for all your efforts, where would I be without you! Very grateful. Jan x