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Mary Kemp marriage to John Philcox

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0805hels Report 18 Sep 2015 13:26

Thank you both for your help! That's great confirmation of the marriage.

And the other piece about the church trustees is very interesting! I'm thinking she would be a relative of Luke Philcox? I can't find a Luke Philcox in the tree yet, but will see if anything comes up.

Thanks again,


SylviaInCanada Report 18 Sep 2015 01:52

According to one Public Family tree on ancestry ............. the Mary Kemp that John Philcox married was born in 1863

Mary Kemp
Birth Sep 1763 in Battle, Sussex, England,
Death Dec 1846 in Battle, Sussex, England

this MIGHT be this one's baptism .............

England & Wales Christening Records, 1530-1906

Name: Mary Kemp
Gender: Female
Christening Date: 7 May 1769
Christening Place: Brightling, Sussex, England
Father's name: Thomas Kemp
Mother's name: Mary

you might be interested in this information on p. 11 of the History of the Battle Baptist Church ................

William Spilstead, Senr., Ewhurst, Yeoman.
John Ffoord (written "fford"), Battle, Baker.
George Sargent, Battle, Draper (died Nov. 15th, 1861.)
John Bartholomew, Westfield, Yeoman.
William Mainwaring, Burwash, Clocksmith.
Luke Philcox, Battle, Cordwainer.
Thomas Dawes, Rye, Turner.
Edward French, Crowhurst, Yeoman.

These eight were appointed Trustees of the property (January 2nd 1810).
James Kingsmill, Battle, Gentleman.
Elizabeth Ffoord (wife of John Ffoord).
Ann Sargent (wife of George Sargent).
Richard Hounsell, Battle, Labourer.
William Knight, Battle, Tallow Chandler.
Mary Sinnock (wife of Richard Sinnock, Gentleman).
Elizabeth Newington (wife of John Newington, Gentleman).
Elizabeth Page, Battle, Spinster.
Mary Philcox, Battle, Widow. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Elizabeth Wood, Battle, Widow.
Samual Willis, Burwash, Labourer.
Thomas Pavey, Burwash, Labourer.
Richard Hobden, Penhurst, Labourer.
James Sinden, Warbleton, Labourer.
Thomas Housley, Robertsbridge, Cordwainer.

The reference is ..........


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 17 Sep 2015 19:45

Mary Kemp
John Philcox

10 April 1788

SOURCES (1) Parish Printout Family History Library , Microfilm
Batch Number 7009603
IGI Batch Type Code2

The fact it quotes the source as Parish Printout does suggest it actually comes from the Parish Records.


0805hels Report 17 Sep 2015 19:08

I've gotten stuck with this piece of information! From other family trees, I've seen that John Philcox (born 1753) and Mary Kemp (born 1753) got married, however there doesn't seem to be any proof anywhere of this, or much else on their lives.

The best proof I've found is on a website that said they got married on the 10th of April 1788 in Battle, Sussex. However I cannot view the source.

Could anyone please shed some light on this? The Kemp family tree looks really interesting and it'd be great to know if they're actual relatives!

Thank you,
Sam Waters