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Emily C Thompson & Frederick C G Critcher

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Connie Report 11 Sep 2015 22:46

I don't think the will would help, my grandad said Emily took everything, so whether there was no will and as his widow she got everything or she was the only one named in it... anyway she didn't disburse it to anyone else who might have been eligible.

Sorry, I'm not so familiar with where many places are in england, I've never lived there... and google pointed to darlington in the general area of yorkshire... :)


SylviaInCanada Report 11 Sep 2015 20:00


thank you, MC


MarieCeleste Report 11 Sep 2015 19:57

Although the town of Darlington itself is in Co Durham the registration district of Darlington does actually cover parts of North Yorkshire, e.g. Croft.


SylviaInCanada Report 11 Sep 2015 19:28

BTW ....

............ Darlington is not in Yorkshire ..... it's in County Durham


SylviaInCanada Report 11 Sep 2015 19:26

The will would also provide some information ....................

Probate was granted to Emily Charlotte Critcher widow, but that only means that she was responsible for disbursing the estate, NOT that she inherited it all.

It might give you some more names.


MarieCeleste Report 11 Sep 2015 16:34

Emily C's maiden name of Thompson is on both the 1934 and 1938 marriages which implies the first was not valid and she was still legally Thompson. I used the term "remarried" loosely to imply that they went through a second marriage as the first may not have been valid.

Mike* - the divorce is on National Archives, Doris Annie brought the petition against her husband.

Doris Annie's second marriage shows both her maiden and previous married names which is fairly usual following a divorce if she'd reverted to her maiden name.


Connie Report 11 Sep 2015 11:42

Assuming he got divorced but it came through after he married again, so the first marriage wasn't valid, she would still have put her maiden (still legal) name on the second marriage though?

Its all very confusing...!

Mike *

Mike * Report 11 Sep 2015 11:34

If they simply re-married, wouldn't Emily's name have been Critcher on second marriage?

It could be that the first marriage was annulled


Connie Report 11 Sep 2015 11:25

His parents died in Chatham, Kent. His siblings married there also. If it was him, it was only him that went there.


MarieCeleste Report 11 Sep 2015 11:09

I'd say it wasn't uncommon at all for people to travel around the country in the 1930s, it may have been for work. Have you checked where Frederick's parents died, or siblings married, etc to see if there may have been a family move or if it was just him (if the divorce was him)


Connie Report 11 Sep 2015 11:04

Yes I'd found those records too. Thank you. Also that Doris had a daugher, Alma Critcher born April 1935.

What makes me think it may be two different people is the distance between counties? Kent to Yorkshire... how common was it to travel that far back then and back again?

Ok, maybe I should get marriage certs then. I'll look into that.


MarieCeleste Report 11 Sep 2015 10:59

I don't think divorce records would give the names of the parties parents or birth dates.

You'd probably get more info by buying the marriage cerificates from GRO (and it would possibly be cheaper than National Archives digitisation costs)


MarieCeleste Report 11 Sep 2015 10:57

Possible first marriage for the couple divorcing:

Marriages Dec 1927
BOWMAN Doris A Critcher Darlington 10a 16
Critcher Frederick Bowman Darlington 10a 16

Her remarriage:

Marriages Jun 1935
Bowman Doris A Pears Darlington 10a 93
Critcher Doris A Pears Darlington 10a 93
Pears William Q Critcher Darlington 10a 93
Pears William Q Bowman Darlington 10a 93

and her death:

Name: Doris Anne Pears
Birth Date: 14 Dec 1903
Date of Registration: Dec 1986
Age at Death: 83
Registration district: Darlington
Inferred County: Durham, Yorkshire
Volume: 1
Page: 902


Connie Report 11 Sep 2015 10:53

Maybe. Although Emily left Frederick when my grandad was a few years old, he was born 1934... so that would've happened around 1938ish probably.
I've requested an estimate to get copy of the divorce record from National Archives anyway, does anyone know what other information that usually contains apart from their names? eg, birth dates, or parents or anything? To try and confirm if it was the same person or not...


MarieCeleste Report 11 Sep 2015 10:46

I see what you mean about the two marriages:

Marriages Jun 1934
Critcher Cyril G Thompson Medway 2a 2129
Thompson Emily C Critcher Medway 2a 2129

Marriages Dec 1938
Critcher Cyril G Thompson Medway 2a 2431
Critcher Frederick C Thompson Medway 2a 2431
Thompson Emily C Critcher Medway 2a 2431

Interesting that you found a 1934 divorce, wonder if they jumped the gun the first time and then "remarried" later once divorce was final?


Connie Report 11 Sep 2015 09:47

Nope, that's new. Thank you.


PricklyHolly Report 11 Sep 2015 09:44

Welcome to the boards Connie.

In case you don't have this....

Frederick Cyril George Critcher
in the England & Wales, National Probate Calendar (Index of Wills and Administrations), 1858-1966
Name:Frederick Cyril George Critcher
Probate Date:8 Feb 1955
Registry:London, England
Death Date:18 Apr 1954
Death Place:Chatham

Of 23 Whitehorse-hill, Chatham.

To Emily Charlotte Critcher widow

Effects: £532 11s 4d


Connie Report 11 Sep 2015 09:28

I'm trying to find info on my great grandparents. Emily C Thompson married Frederick Cyril George Critcher in 1934 (or 1938, there's records for both?) in Medway, Kent.

Emily was born in 1912 to mother Thompson in Chatham, Kent (the only record I've found for that is a christening for Emily Charlotte Thompson, June 1912, mother Emma Thompson living at Medway Union workhouse, Chatham. But the area and date appear correct so I'm 90% sure it's the right one. Emma was resident at Medway Union for 1911 census too, age 37, any info on that would be helpful too).

Frederick C G Critcher was born 1906 in Reading, Berkshire. Subsequently lived in Medway, Kent for the 1911 census. (Was possibly married & divorced before marrying Emily, found a Kew National Archives divorce record for Frederick Cyril Critcher & Doris Annie Critcher in 1934, but don't know if it's the same person.) He died in 1954 in Chatham, Kent.

I know quite a lot about Frederick (apart from the possible earlier marriage), it's mainly Emily I want info for. She left the family a few years later and no-one knows what happened to her.
