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family unknown
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AnnCardiff | Report | 6 Sep 2015 22:12 |
it definitely looks 40's to me |
Researching: |
Sandra | Report | 6 Sep 2015 21:03 |
I have asked all family members who are still living but they don't recognise anyone ,as most of our family were from Scunthorpe and Grimsby I have also posted the photo on their facebook history and memories pages last week,I thought the background looked a little like the gardens of the club my granddad had,and my mam and dad had there wedding reception there in 1942 but not positive looking at the wedding photo of mam and dad in the Garden although it looks similar,,so possibly as you said kay maybe family friends,I was only 4 years old when my mother sadly died at the age of 28 , I did send the photo to her brother in Australia a couple of years ago ,he was 89 then, and he did not recognise anyoneHe died last year,.Hopefully I may get a link from someone .it would be lovely if they are relatives somewhere down the line.I have just had a look at the back of the photo DetEcTive and found a stamp saying SELO ,I am going to see if I can find where the photographer was from now ,hopefully narrow down a town where it was taken,let you know if I have any luck. |
Kay???? | Report | 5 Sep 2015 20:00 |
As the young girl is wearing 1940s coat probally home made or utility with only 3 buttons and no buckle,,,,was anyone billited with them? there are shed and houses in the background so may have been taken in a garden.perhaps they were family neighbours? |
+++DetEcTive+++ | Report | 5 Sep 2015 17:51 |
As the older man has a button hole, could it have been taken at a wedding? Have you tried to date the clothes to get an idea of the decade/year? |
Researching: |
Sandra | Report | 5 Sep 2015 17:19 |
This photo has been in our family photos for years but sadly non of the family recognise anyone,is there someone on Genes reunited who have a link to them,I hope so and maybe I will find a family tie to you ,please get in touch with me if anyone out there knowns anyone on here,it will be lovely to put names to faces and hopefully family . |