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Help using FMP please?

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Gritty Report 3 Sep 2015 18:24

Kathleen- I have the same as you. I have to search the same for all census, didn't know there was another way for 1901/ 1911? Sometimes I just put the street in optional keywords which also works.


KathleenBell Report 3 Sep 2015 18:14

Glad to help Joan, but I think I must be getting into FMP in some different way to you as I get the same search page with the same boxes for all of the census years - including the 1901 and 1911, so I don't have an easier set up for those years as far as addresses go. :-S

Kath. x


KathleenBell Report 2 Sep 2015 17:38

Hi Joan

This is the search page I get when I click on census on FMP:-

Is it the same as you get? If so you will see that there is a box for house name and another for street name. There are two boxes under "where living". One has Britain in it as a default setting and the one next to that I put in the town name that I am interested in.

Birthplaces I usually just put the county in the optional keywords box at the bottom as my family seem to think they were born in quite a few different places so I never narrow it down too much.

Kath. x


Von Report 2 Sep 2015 14:14

Familyfinder the record is on there but I was only able to find it by doing a general search. It didn't seem to come up by looking at specific records. :-S
If you've had no luck I can send you details.


KathleenBell Report 1 Sep 2015 23:56


You should be able to do an address search on all the census years. I've just tried it with my great grandfather in the 1891 census and it works for me.

I don't seem to have a problem with birthplaces either.

Kath. x


Familyfinder Report 1 Sep 2015 20:08

Thanks for all your comments - I will keep trying - glad it's not just me!


Gee Report 1 Sep 2015 17:53

Ancestry has gone the same way over the last couple of months

Zero results for a simple search, click on BMD for a birth say, 1920 and no option for a marriage search or the other way around or only deaths show as an option


KathleenBell Report 1 Sep 2015 17:15

I couldn't agree more Joan. It used to be so easy to use and I don't find it as good as it once was although it does have lots of records.....I just don't think they are easy to find. As a result I tend to only look at births, marriages and deaths and the census records, Newspaper articles, travel and military.

I also agree that less is more. Just try using surname and year of birth +/- about 5 years because if your family are anything like mine they add and chop off years to their age every five minutes!!

Kath. x


Familyfinder Report 1 Sep 2015 15:26

now its working! weird!

well some of it -but seems to be not a lot on there? or am I just unlucky that none of mine seem to have any records -or am I just doing it wrong?


Familyfinder Report 1 Sep 2015 15:21

Hi I've just signed up to FMP -but when I tried searching for something which I know is there I'm getting 0 results!

I know that Reginald Sargent vaccination is there -I searched his name/year of birth, Exeter and ticked the box for Devon instititution records etc and nothing came up -any help please? feeling frustrated!