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Research in Crewe records office please

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Kay???? Report 17 Aug 2015 23:23

a film clip.

the link above is interesting to read,

It seems there were only two *homes*,,,,,Southern and Derbyshire,


Roger Report 17 Aug 2015 22:46

Hello Dea,
Thank you.

Yes but I knew ALL of the children involved even if I was very young and they were older adults. Hence I know they were at a railway orphanage. All Died in the Uk and some never moved from Hull after whichever orphange they were in and died there. My Mum died in New Zealand where she moved at 75; One Brother died in Kent and the other three in Hull. None were sent from the Country. My Mum's Banardos records show the others were in a Railway Orphanage but does not say where. Regards,


Dea Report 17 Aug 2015 21:49

Orphans around that time were often sent to Canada as 'Home Childs' - have you explored this possibility ??

Dea Xxx


Roger Report 17 Aug 2015 21:25

Yes thank you.
I have the newspaper article. Fisrt one when the father went missing and a second when he was found. I also Have the newspaper report of the coroners inquest which deemed a hard working and sober man had sadly met with an accident.Roger


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 17 Aug 2015 10:36

There might be a newspaper article about the accident in Hull Docks. If you haven't, already search the British Newspaper Archive on this site or directly at

Given a name etc, members who have access in their sub (the BNA is also available on Findmypast) would be happy to look at any free result preview you may find.


Roger Report 17 Aug 2015 10:20

Thank you. That is very helpful.
They are all dead. My Mum was the last one, she was in Barnadosnot the Railway Home..
She died in New Zealand about 8 years ago.
Kind rgards,


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 17 Aug 2015 09:04

This link suggests the records are held at Chester

Cheshire Archives and Local Studies, Cheshire Record Office, Duke Street, Chester, Cheshire CH1 1RL. Has Minute books (1911-1940, includes lists of children admitted).

If no one volunteers, the Archivists will do look-ups for you, but will charge for their time.
Unless you can confirm that the children have died, you may get tangled up in the 100 year closure guidance/rule designed to protect the privacy of those still living. Someone born 1930 will only be 85.


Roger Report 17 Aug 2015 07:04

We live in New Zealand. I am hoping this reaches somebody who visits the Crewe Records Office and may be able to look up some information about family members who were in the Webb Orphanage for Children of Railway People in the mid /late 1920's and early 1930. The Children were all orphaned in Hull, when first their Mother died after childbirth and then 2 years later their father was tragically drowned in an accident in the Hull Docks when working on the Railway there.
Thank you,