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Olive E M Denton nee Clifford death

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+++DetEcTive+++ Report 12 Aug 2015 12:27

As there aren’t many requests for help….

Olive Elizabeth Mary Clifford was born in Reading, Berkshire on 16 Oct 1915
(source her fathers WW1 records)

In 1935 she married in Reading reg, George H Denton

Although no certs have been purchased, they probably had 4 (edit - 5 girls) girls born in that area between 1937 & 1946, the 2 eldest being twins (Twins run in the family)
There are 2 possible sons born in Aldershot, but as they are ‘out of area’ I haven’t followed them up.

The girls are still around in the area – source ER, M or D
The one born 1946 only has a birth record, as far as I can see

However, I can’t find a death for Olive. With no yob for her husband, it could be that he died and she re-married. She might still be living!

Any one help please or might she have died after 2006? There isn’t anything obvious on the Wills site.

Going shopping! Back later. Thank you!
:-D :-D


Gee Report 12 Aug 2015 13:12


A tree has this man as her husband and there is a probate record for him.

You know where to find that ;-)

Name:George Henry Denton

Birth Date:24 Feb 1913

Date of Registration:Jun 1975

Age at Death:62

Registration district:Reading and Wokingham

Inferred County:Berkshire



Edit: There is an Olive E Denton showing on the ER 2006 in Reading. Nothing after that.

Looks like the youngest daughter married in 1967, Middlesex


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 12 Aug 2015 15:27

Thank you Gin. I'll follow that up :-)


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 12 Aug 2015 16:04

Hurumph :-|

Feed back sent to the site administrators
Searching for any mention of DENTON died 1975.

There are no records for any surname starting with DEN. The only way to access them was to search for DEM then page through.

While doing this, it is obvious that there are pages missing.
The last entry on page 2419 is DENBY, Wilfred Eileen
The next page given is page number 2439 with the first entry being for DERBYSHIRE, Leonard Henry.

So what has happened to pages 1420-2438 inclusive??

Something similar has happened in 1976. Pages 2222- 2240 are missing.
Last entry on page 2221 is DEMAINE Lydia, the next entry page 2241 starts DE PLEDGE, Ellen Mildred

For what its worth I was looking for a George Henry Denton whose death is reg Jun 1975, Reading and Wokingham district.

If any one has managed to access the missing pages, do tell how you got there!


Rambling Report 12 Aug 2015 16:10


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 12 Aug 2015 16:20

Brilliant, Rose - thank you!

No idea why it didn't come up when I tried.


Rambling Report 12 Aug 2015 16:27

It didn't come up using the full name, I just put in DEN 1975 and then clicked past the Derbyshires on page 1 and skipped through until the Dentons came up...think they must have scanned the pages out of order :-)


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 12 Aug 2015 16:37

Ah, right. That makes sense.

A general query (following through with a child from the 1967 marriage)

Assuming its the same male, there are 2 marriages. The query is about the Source Code from FMP.

Second marriage in Hampshire North has a code C54
First marriage in Croydon, Surrey has a code RAF

Does RAF mean is took place at an RAF base, or is it a coincidence?


Gee Report 12 Aug 2015 18:28


I don't understand what you mean by the 'code'

Only been using FMP for the month offer

'Second marriage in Hampshire North has a code C54
First marriage in Croydon, Surrey has a code RAF'



+++DetEcTive+++ Report 12 Aug 2015 18:45

From FMP

1997 marriage

District CROYDON
District number 225
County Surrey
Country England
Page 0224
Entry number 089
Source code RAF <<<<

2001 marriage

District number 503
County Hampshire
Country England
Page 0460
Entry number 015
Source code C54 <<<<

Actually - checking the entries on Ancestry, they refer to the source code as Register Number. It must be a different way of saying the same thing eg

Date of Registration: Feb 1997
Registration district: Croydon
Inferred County: London, Surrey
Volume Number: 225
Page Number: 224
Register Number: RAF <<<<
Entry Number: 089


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 13 Aug 2015 10:08

Reply to Probate site Feed Back

Thank you for your email. I am sorry to read that you are experiencing difficulty with your search. We are aware of an ongoing indexing problem. This is currently being investigated by our website developer.

In some cases the first page of a search may be out of range, however if you navigate to the second (or later) page(s) you will find the name range that you are looking for.

I have found one matching entry in the 1975 calendar index:

(inserted is the one Rose found)

NOTE: The year of issue is 1975. A folio number is not required to order this record.

Please make sure that the above entry matches your search requirements before you place an order.

So if someone can't immediately find an entry, its worth paging through