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Update. on help given on 22/7 ref F & W Blundell

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Linda Report 10 Aug 2015 21:53

Thank you ArgyllGran x


ArgyllGran Report 10 Aug 2015 20:44

I think this is the previous thread to which Linda refers:


Linda Report 10 Aug 2015 20:29

Hi, Have received back death certs for the recorded deaths you found for me. Firstly Walter (in 1884): Happy with this his name &age match, on the 1881 census he was recorded as a musician on his death cert. in Sheerness Kent, his occupation is shown as Bandsmen, so seems likely correct person (informant was a neighbour).
Fredericks (in 1895) though seems to throw up as many questions as answers! Name matches, age is 10years out but ties in with what was recorded on 1881 census & have feeling it would be same on his marriage cert. if I ordered it. (ie he had knocked 10yrs of his age on marriage )Occupation also matches 1881 & 1891 working for L.W.R. The informant was a F. Blundell stated as Nephew. living at same address. Yes he did have at least one F. Blundell nephew who would have been approx. 25 in 1895, Mystery is why, were they both in Datchet Bucks at the time? Frederick, wife & family were in Twickenham in 1891 & in 1901 his wife was still at the same address along with an extra child (unknown father) born around 1897 so time for that! The F Blundell (nephew) in 1891 tho was in North Meols, Lancashire & in Eastleigh Hants, fairly newly married (wife born Stepney London) in 1901, so no census trace for him in Datchet,, Frederick as as you have found appears to have been buried in Twickenham tho'. So was he &/or family visiting his nephew when he was taken ill, was he estranged from his wife & living with nephew, was the nephew even the one from 1891 & 1901 or a nephew, son of one of the other two brothers I cannot find any trace of? certainly there doesn't seem to be any other Blundells in that area in the 1891 & 1901 who's names & ages seem to tie in, Instinct tells me this is the missing piece of the puzzle of when & where Frederick died, of which I'm very very grateful for, the rest will prob have to stay a mystery. Thanking everyone who helped. Lynn. <3