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PricklyHolly Report 9 Aug 2015 13:46

Emily Chandler born 1849 Barton, Hampshire, is the daughter of Jasper and Mary Ann Chandler.

Jasper Chandler born 1808 Watford, Hertfordshire (I have all his information)
Mary Ann born 1810 Buntingford, Hertfordshire.

I have the birth cert of Emily......

Father Jasper.......Mother Mary Chandler formerly Mofs

I have searched until I am blue in the face but I cannot find any details regarding a Mary Ann Mofs.

No marriage found between her and Jasper either.

I have taken into consideration that she may have been married before to a Mr Mofs.

I have also taken into consideration that the "f" might be the old fashioned spelling of "ss" I have also searched for the surname Moss.

No luck whatsoever!

Any information or suggestions would be very much appreciated.

Prickles. :-|

Oh......first child Mary Ann Chandler born 1832 Whitechapel, Middlesex.

Mother Mary would have been 22 at the time.