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Peter's thread..........

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PricklyHolly Report 24 Jul 2015 20:30

I cannot believe that Peter has deleted his thread regarding Olive Muriel Scaife!

I spent almost 2hrs this morning researching... and added the info that I found to his thread.

If it wasn't for the time Andrew spent researching, we never would have known who her parents were in the first place.

How very disappointing! :-|

Anyway........A pat on the back for Andrew.


KathleenBell Report 24 Jul 2015 21:07

I think some people think that leaving up threads takes up space on their computer (which it does not of course).

I hope Peter had the sense to copy and paste all of the information found before he deleted his thread because quite a few people spent quite a lot of time searching for clues - especially Andrew who found her birth.

Kath. x


rootgatherer Report 24 Jul 2015 21:21

What a shame! Andrew must be feeling rather scunnered that all his good worked has been deleted. Well we all appreciated you efforts Andrew. :-)


PricklyHolly Report 24 Jul 2015 21:42

It has been brought to my attention that Peter did post a reply acknowledging everyones 'incredible work' with a thank you to Andrew for finding the birth of Olive.

But deleted the thread soon afterwards.

I will find it in my heart to forgive him!

Prickles. :-D


MarieCeleste Report 24 Jul 2015 22:19

I do think it's a shame when people delete threads because the query has (they believe) been resolved to their satisfaction.

Perhaps they don't realise that they're depriving themselves of any new information that may come to light - quite a few times I've been researching something else and have found new info and thought that would be useful for such and such a thread I remember working on and have gone back and updated said thread.

There's many a time someone has done an internet search on a family member and it has brought them to the GR boards.

But, hey-ho, they pay their subs and make their own decisions.


JoonieCloonie Report 25 Jul 2015 04:37

I don't know how long the thread will be live in google's cache but for now it can be read here

page 1

page 2, before Prickly Holly's contribution I reckon

so maybe if someone does come along in future and do an internet search they will still be able to find this site and Peter's thread and the info in it, and Peter

I simply don't understand deleting information from the internet (whether one's own threads or one's contributions to someone else's, let alone other people's time and effort) at least when there is nothing 'sensitive' about it

(I would have hoped that the notion that such information resides on one's own computer had ceased to have currency by now, but who knows ... and surely if one did think that, one would not want to delete it - !)