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Twins born 1959, fostered and then adopted

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Lynne From Up North !!

Lynne From Up North !! Report 21 Jul 2015 18:06

Thank you



KathleenBell Report 21 Jul 2015 17:16

I have replied to a pm from Lynne.

I have found the 1959 birth entries for both of the twins and they are each registered twice (father's surname and mother's maiden name). The parents then marry later in the same year.

The 1971 re-registrations would normally have led me to believe that they were just re-registered by the parents to make sure the father's surname was their legal name.

However they were apparently not brought up with the mother as it is their younger brother who is looking for them.

I wonder if the parent's split up and they stayed with the father, so he re-registered them to make sure they had his surname. It's a bit of a mystery.

Kath. x


KathleenBell Report 21 Jul 2015 16:17

These people are probably still living so send the details by pm if you want to rather than post them on the thread.

Kath. x


Penny Report 21 Jul 2015 15:07

You only get one shot at the birth registers, That is when you are born. You can be reregistered if your parents marry, but if you are adopted whether by a step parent or by a new family, you go in the adoption register.

post the details let someone else have a squint.

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it Report 21 Jul 2015 12:43

If the birth is in the mums maiden name it means the mum was unmarried

If she later marries the child's father his name will be added to the birth reg because marrying legitimises the birth

If their record changed in 1971 it would indicate that that's when the parents married have you looked for a marriage

Are you sure they were adopted?


KathleenBell Report 21 Jul 2015 12:43

Could the mother have been married at the time but not living with her husband and someone different was the father?

Perhaps if she was on her own she couldn't look after them and then some time later when she could she actually took them back (perhaps with a new husband??)

You wouldn't find a new registration in the ordinary birth index if the children were adopted. It sounds more like a re-registration to me - perhaps after the mother remarried.

Kath. x

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Lynne From Up North !!

Lynne From Up North !! Report 21 Jul 2015 12:25

This is what I know:
Twins born in January 1959, registered in Mar quarter 1959, registration showing mothers maiden name, which is different from the twins registered surname - suggesting that parents were married!
Not long after birth twins went into foster care, where they stayed for a number of years, before foster parents decided to adopt the twins, this happened in 1971.
Have found a new registration in 1971, which mirrors the registration for 1959, showing twins surname as registered at birth and mothers maiden name.
Does this mean that when the twins were adopted aged 11 / 12 that their surname was not changed?
Any help would be very much appreciated.