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Rose History Dorking, Surrey

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Susan Report 1 Aug 2015 13:52

Hi Marie,
Didn't have that one, thanks for finding it for me.
Regards, Sue


MarieCeleste Report 1 Aug 2015 11:28

Just in case you didn't have it, a brief obit for Jeremiah Markham from 20 July 1776 - Newcastle Chronicle (same obit also in Caledonian Mercury).


Susan Report 1 Aug 2015 11:05

To keep all Roses together, if anybody has access to the records for the 1660 parliament free & Voluntary present to King Charles 11, could you please check which Roses in Dorking gave money. I believe the records were on a fiche but have not found them on line anywhere. Years ago I was given George a blacksmith, William a blacksmith and Edward a yeoman, but I don't know if they were from Dorking or not, or even if it says where they come from. If these are from Dorking, then they are almost the oldest Rose records from Dorking I have.
Any help most appreciated.
Regards, Sue


Susan Report 22 Jul 2015 20:45

Thanks Kucinta,
I had hoped that property meant that she had somewhere to live, but obviously not. Markland is not mentioned in the Dorking Manor records. I don't think his will is going to give me more information that I already had. Son Richard took over the property and soon sold it so I have to assume that she may have gone to live with her widowed daughter Elizabeth. Martha's will simply says she is of Dorking and all her goods and chattles to be equally divided between her two surviving daughters.
Still trying to follow up son Richard to see if he did marry Suannah. More searching to be done yet.
regards, Sue


Kucinta Report 22 Jul 2015 20:16

Jeremiah's will seems to imply his 'property' did not amount to much. He left everything except his books and papers to Mrs Martha Rose, but says "all wch together is scarce worth mentioning"

The will is on ancestry.

London, England, Wills and Probate, 1507-1858
Name: Jeremiah Markland
Probate Date: 27 Jul 1776
Parish: Milton
County: Surrey

This site also implies he was not financially well off when he died:,_Jeremiah_%28DNB00%29

"Despite his narrow means he was very charitable to the poor, and his benevolent disposition led him, a few years before his death, to espouse, against her worthless and unfeeling son, the cause of the widow with whom he lodged, and thus entail upon himself the burden of an expensive lawsuit, which reduced him almost to indigence."


Susan Report 22 Jul 2015 19:06

Hi +++DetEcTive+++ ,
You asked about the court case, I first found it mentioned in the Handbook of Dorking which I think was published in 1823. In the section on Milton Court there is reference to Jeremiah Markland, a well known writer in the 1750's. It goes on to say that in 1765 he lodged with a widow (Martha Rose) at Milton Court who became involved in family litigation, he son (Richard) tried to persude his mother to assign to him the whole of her property. Mr Markland defended the cause of the widow and expended a considerable sum, as the case was decided against her. He benevolently employed his fortune in relieving the distress of the family.. He died at Milton Court in 1776. He bequeathed his property to Mrs Rose, the widow, but I have not found out what the property was.
I have long been interested in this as my husband has traced his family back to around this time. The PRO site does have documents on the dispositions made by Martha and her daughters taken in Dorking on 3 Nov 1767 in the case, but they are part of much larger documents and would cost around £150 to get photocopies, and it still wont give me the reason Richard was given the property or where the case was heared. One day I will get to the bottom of this one. Sorry for such a long winded answer.
Regards, Sue


Susan Report 21 Jul 2015 16:21

Hi Everybody,
I had tried the Surrey history centre several times, but to no avail. It was not on the PRO site. So thank you Kucinta for finding it on Ancestry for me. It really helps a lot. I have not read it all yet but Richard jnr was left £100, his sister left £150, it looks like Richard jnr was to have the farm but have to pay for stock etc to his mother. Perhaps that is why he went to court as he thought he didn't have to pay anything.
Gins that's for that, I am not convinced they are the same family, but will add it in case somebody else follows that one.
I really appreciate all of your helps.
Regards, Sue


Gee Report 21 Jul 2015 14:55

Hi Susan

Might have been better just adding to your other thread

It helps keep all the info in one place


Kucinta Report 21 Jul 2015 14:54

Ancestry had linked this record to the Richard Rose who died 1759:

Name: Richard Rose
Event Type: Baptism
Baptism Date: 30 Mar 1697
Parish: Dorking, St Martin
Father's name: Richard
Mother's name: Martha
Reference Number: DOM/1/3

However there is this burial the year after the baptism, for a Richard Rose son of Richard....

Name: Richard Rose
Event Type: Burial
Burial Date: 5 Apr 1698
Parish: Dorking, St Martin
Father's name: Richard
Reference Number: DOM/1/3


Kucinta Report 21 Jul 2015 14:06

The will of Richard Rose Sr is on Ancestry - I have pmed you the 8 images:

England & Wales, Prerogative Court of Canterbury Wills, 1384-1858
Name: Richard Rose
Probate Date: 25 Jun 1759
Parish: Dorking
County: Surrey

Name: Richard Rose
Event Type: Burial
Burial Date: 6 May 1759
Parish: Dorking, St Martin
Reference Number: DOM/1/5

Ancestry links this record

Name: Richard Rose
Gender: Male
Marriage Date: 1 Jan 1728
Marriage Place: Dorking,Surrey,England
Spouse: Martha Steeles
FHL Film Number: 0804121, 0804123, 804123

EDIT: Martha's will is also on Ancestry, but is less than a page long.

England & Wales, Prerogative Court of Canterbury Wills, 1384-1858
Name: Martha Rose
Probate Date: 4 Jan 1781
Residence: Dorking, Surrey, England


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 21 Jul 2015 10:36

What Court Case???

It depends where is was Tried.

If Richard Jnr and Susannah had children, check to see if they are named after family members.
We all come to a cross-roads at some point in our research - may be this is yours.


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 21 Jul 2015 10:34

Provides a list of names mentioned on Wills. Unfortunately there is no Richard Rose in the correct time frame.

As you know one existed, Its possible that Surrey History Centre hold a copy


Susan Report 21 Jul 2015 09:50

I am trying to trace what happened to Richard and Martha Rose of Milton Court Farm around the 1750's.
In 1748 Sir John Evelyn leased the house, mill and farm land to Richard Rose who then died in May 1759. His presumed widow Martha then took over the house. Martha died in Nov 1780 but on 15th Feb 1765 the tenancy was changed to Richard Rose, presumed son of Richard and Martha. Richard was still living there in 16th Sept 1768 but had moved to Milton Court Farm by 16th Oct 1769, by 9th Mar 1770 the farm was occupied by a Michael Marsh (end of the 21 year lease). Much of these dates come from the Dorking Rate Books and was taken from the History of Milton Court.
Richard Rose snr, a yeoman died in 1759 and in his will left all to his wife Martha and five surviving children Richard, Mary, Ann, Elizabeth and Martha, but I cant race a copy of the actual will. I have a cop of Martha will leaving he estate to her daughters.

So my questions are:
Where can I find the will of Richard Snr?
Where can I find more details of the outcome of the court case?
Where did Martha go?
What became of Richard jnr. There is some sprcultion that he married Susannah and lived in Butter Hill, and had a caol wharf in Ilford, Essex, but I am not convinced that these are the same Richard.
All suggestions, information etc will be reallywelcomed.
Regards Sue Rose