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Top tip - using the Genes Reunited community

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JoonieCloonie Report 22 Aug 2015 23:41

Check your account there at to see whether he read your reply

just go to your 'sent messages', if there is a purple envelope beside your message, he has not read it

if you sent the message via, he would get it no matter which version he is using

ah ... if you had not already answered him under your old account, you stil can ... even with an unpaid subscription, you can answer private messages that people send you (you just can't send new messages to people yourself)

or are you talking about a message in a thread you had under your old account?

the sites are all the same and all 'integrated' - my suggestion to use the two different ones is just so you don't have to keep logging in and out to check the two different accounts - you can log into any account at any version of the site :-)

for example try this

this is this same thread at

click there and you will see that all the same messages are there (but you will be logged in under your old account at that version of the site, so you won't be able to post in this thread there, since that account isn't paid up)

so if you are talking about a message in a thread under an old account, just go to it, change the '' in the address for it to '', and hey presto, you will be able to post in it with this account

maybe also go to your account here and fix it so you have a username instead of 'Unknown' :-)


Unknown Report 22 Aug 2015 23:13

Hello again I have been on which JoonieCloonie
told me to try and all my details are there but I need to contact someone who sent a message some time back I did reply on GR au but as an after thought he will not get my message how do I contact him ??


JoonieCloonie Report 21 Jul 2015 14:26

I would ask GR whether they would transfer your payment to your important account

it's all the same site (confusing as that is) what matters is which account you use

you want to use the one that has all your info with it

so I'd email them and ask whether you can do that


Unknown Report 21 Jul 2015 12:46

Hello again just logged into with old e-mail address and thank goodness all my old info is there :-D
So will I have to log in on 2 GR sites in future or is there a way I can have info transferred to this site

I must have paid on this when I altered my e-mail address



Unknown Report 21 Jul 2015 12:39

Thank you all for your help I will try logging on another site as suggrsted and see what happens



Jacqueline Report 21 Jul 2015 08:18

Your old threads will be under your previous account.........not the one you opened in April 2015

Ditto tree access


JoonieCloonie Report 21 Jul 2015 04:19

Irene you show as having only 1 post to your name and joined in April of this year

did you happen to start a new subscription instead of paying under your old account?

if you stop paying a subscription your tree stays and in fact you can still access information like 'my threads' and all your messges sent and received, you just can't post anything without paying again

(I know because I lapsed last year after subscribing for a year and then not renewing right away!)

it sounds like you started a new subscription ... or already had an old free subscription maybe in addition to the one you had been using, and paid on the wrong one when you renewed

if you still have the information for your old subscription - your email addess and password I suppose it would be - try going to a different Genesreunited site, like

and logging in there under your old account and then looking for 'my threads' and your tree

also, with the account you are now using, search trees for someone in your tree (yourself maybe?) and see whether the person shows up in the tree attached to your old account :-)

if you want to say what some of your old threads would have been about, some names and places, we can try searching for them for you


KathleenBell Report 21 Jul 2015 00:12

Have you carried on paying a subscription (even if only a standard membership) or did you become just a free member?

If you stopped paying a subscription then your tree stays on here and you can still access it but I think you lose your other information. Look at the Terms and Conditions (bottom of the page) to see what you should be able to access depending on your type of membership.

Kath. x


Unknown Report 20 Jul 2015 23:19

I have not been on GR for some time till today and all my information as disappeared I still have my tree but no messages no thread and the trees other users had opened for me have all gone any idea what as happened

Regards :-(