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Ellen Quick/Johnson - Burial Record help please

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KarenInScotland Report 4 Jul 2015 16:18

I'm trying to find where my great grandmother Ellen Quick, married surname Johnson is buried. She died 23 Jan 1946 in Hollowell, Northamptonshire where she lived. I've looked at graves in the the Hollowell Church graveyard and couldn't find it. I also visited All Saints Churchyard in Brixworth and couldn't find it but it is a large graveyard and I could have missed it. I can't find any burial lists online that include her such as "find a grave". Anyone have any ideas as to where I should go for the information on burials in the area?

Her full name was Ellen Libra Quick but often mis-spelled as Ellen Elibra Quick



Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it Report 4 Jul 2015 16:30

But by 1946 most burials would be in municipal cemeteries who keep excellent records

I have had success with finding graves for my family by contacting the Parks and Cemeteries Dept of the local council giving them the details from the death cert.

Even if a relative is in a public grave it will be documented with who is in the grave and the Row and plot nos


malyon Report 4 Jul 2015 16:33

she would be buried as ellen e johnson

Deaths Mar 1946 (>99%)
Johnson Ellen E 73 Brixworth 3b 139


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 4 Jul 2015 16:43

As Shirley has implied, even if you do discover a plot number, there may not be a headstone!

Jill 2011 (aka Warrior Princess of Cilla!)

Jill 2011 (aka Warrior Princess of Cilla!) Report 4 Jul 2015 16:43

Not everyone had a gravestone. It is worth asking at the churches as their records will show the location of the grave even if not marked.

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it Report 4 Jul 2015 16:46

i would say contact the parks and cemeteries of the local council where her death is reg or where she lived


KarenInScotland Report 4 Jul 2015 17:14

Thank you all that's helpful advice. Although I'm not particularly looking to find a headstone I still would like to know where she was buried. I thought there might be some burial lists online that I couldn't find. I'm taking my grand mother's ashes back to her home area and having failed on my last visit to find Ellen's burial place thought I'd give it another go.

I'll try contacting the council for Brixworth sub-district which is where the death is registered.


Chris Ho :)

Chris Ho :) Report 4 Jul 2015 17:17

Friday 01 February 1946 - Northampton Mercury - Northampton, Northamptonshire

The funeral service for Mrs. Ellen Johnson, wife of Mr. George Johnson, the Coach and Horses Inn, Hollowell, took place on Saturday at St. James’s Church. Hollowell. The Rev. C.F.A. Roepell conducted the service. The Rev. J. O. Hitchens, icar of Guilsborough was also in attendance. The service was choral. Miss O. Hickman was the organist. The chief mourners were the widower, Mr.and Mrs. Charles Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. E. Spencer, Mr. and Mrs. H. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. L. Heard and Mr. and Mrs. A. Quick.

Chris :)


KarenInScotland Report 4 Jul 2015 17:31

Chris - brilliant, thank you. We had previously found that article but it hadn't occurred to me to recheck it now I'm looking for the burial for details on where it was heldl. I would assume she was buried in the church yard, and having not found a headstone as others have pointed out, there may not be one.

I've emailed the local council but at least now I know its worth going back for another look at the church in Hollowell, might try contacting them direct in case they have any records.

Karen :-)


Jacqueline Report 4 Jul 2015 22:03

Are you 100% certain that she was buried?

And the location of the funeral service does not necessarily equate with that of the interment.


KarenInScotland Report 4 Jul 2015 22:41


I have no idea whether she was buried or not or that if she was it was at the same church the funeral was at. I thought looking at burial records would either show her or exclude the possibility.

I've found an email for the current vicar of the church so have emailed him to ask if he can help. I guess there must be some record of what was done somewhere?



Jacqueline Report 5 Jul 2015 09:28

No record on deceasedonline website


Amokavid Report 5 Jul 2015 12:51

If I was looking for this persons Burial place & was not living in the area I would first of all purchase the persons Death certificate for the home address of where they lived / died.
From that I would then contact the nearest Municipal cemetery, most / many hold their own Burial records & if the cemetery is manned they should be able to tell you IF that person is buried there or not regardless of whether there is / was a headstone.

If the person is not there or the cemetery is not manned then I would contact the relevant local council & request their help with a search of the various Burial records of all their cemeteries, most are helpful with these searches but they are likely to make a charge for searching for you & sending any copies of the details, the charges can vary from place to place
You have the name & date so that should help in narrowing things down.
Sometimes we have to spend money to get the results! not everything is available online & free!

I have done this many times as I don't live near my places of research & in most cases the burial places have been located in my case "easily" & worth it if you really want to know.

My thoughts are that your person is likely to be in a Municipal cemetery rather than a churchyard unless there was a family plot available in a relevant local churchyard.

My experience of contacting Vicars re burial records with almost none getting back to me has been pretty much a waste of time, only ever had ONE respond in all the 28yrs of doing my Family History.



KarenInScotland Report 5 Jul 2015 14:13


Thank you for your message. I am lucky that I have her birth and marriage certificates from the family papers and have bought her death certificate. I know she died in Hollowell actually at the pub that my grandparents ran. I've been to Hollowell, I was passing by chance only a couple of weeks ago so that's why I had a look at at the church yards.

I haven't tried to find burials for anyone this recent so I'm at a bit of a loss hence my post. I have emailed the local council following advice here and the vicar. I hadn't thought about cremation and had no idea about municipal cemeteries so I'm now trying to find out which of those might have been an option.

I'm going back to Hollowell with my sister next week and we plan to take my grandmother's ashes. She died at 103 this February all she really talked about was her time in Hollowell and it made me think she might like to be with her mum.
