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Sutton 1870

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Maria Report 13 Jun 2015 23:54

Evening everyone was wondering where to go from here.

William Sutton b1870 Liverpool Hay dealer and carter in1911.

Ive had loads of great help from people on here going back from 1911, now seeking future help.

In about 1946-50 ish the Liverpool echo had a legal notice asking for relatives of William H Sutton born between 1908-1910 at the time my grandpa wasn't aware of his real name so when the notice was shown in echo he had an idea his father was WIlliam Sutton he was born 1909. the notice asked for them to write to a Boston MA solicitors. My Grandpa went to see a solicitor here in Liverpool but he had no evidence, he had a baptism record for John Joseph Sutton but was known as John Joseph Russell as his half brothers were called russell.

For years we looked for the birth record, then i decided to look for a william sutton and eureka his real name was william sutton.

Ive looked for passenger records going to Boston, i cant even find a death. I have looked at archived echo's but its arduous.

Any help or advice would be appreciated.

Regards Maria


Gee Report 14 Jun 2015 13:11

This looks like your William?

Name:William H. Sutton

Birth Place:England

Death Date:13 Mar 1950

Death Place:Trenton, Mercer County, New Jersey, USA

Cemetery:Greenwood Cemetery

Burial or Cremation Place:Trenton, Mercer County, New Jersey, USA

Has Bio?:Y

Spouse:Elizabeth H Sutton

OBITUARY APPEARED MONDAY MARCH 13, 1950, Pg 4, Trenton Evening Times, Trenton, Mercer Co., NJ: WILLIAM H. SUTTON, 83, husband of Mrs. Elizabeth Sutton, died suddenly today at the home of his daughter, Mrs. John Price, 1215 Nottingham Way. A native of England, he had lived in this vicinity the past 40 years. He was a retired employee of the Thermoid Rubber Company. Survivors include another daughter, Mrs. Wilmar Carr; several sons, George H. Woodrow W. Edward J., Leonard, Harold, Russell and William H. Sutton Jr., and 20 granchildren and three great-grandchildren. Funeral services will be held Wednesday at 11 a.m. at the Saul Memorial Home, 1740 Greenwood Avenue. The Rev. Roy S. Bowers of Bethel Lutheran Church will officiate. Burial will be in Greenwood Cemetery. Friends may call tomorrow.

Name:Elizabeth H Sutton

Death Date:Feb 1931

Cemetery:Greenwood Cemetery

Burial or Cremation Place:Trenton, Mercer County, New Jersey, USA

Has Bio?:N

Spouse: William H. Sutton


Gee Report 14 Jun 2015 13:24

Name:Clara Sutton



Birth Date:abt 1901

Birth Place:Barslem, England

Last Residence:England

Port of Departure:Liverpool, England

Arrival Date:21 Dec 1910

Port of Arrival:Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA

Age on Arrival:9


Friend's Name:Wm H Sutton

Travelling with: Elizabeth, William & George Sutton


Andrew Report 14 Jun 2015 13:49

Possible 1940 US census?

William Sutton
Estimated Birth Year:abt 1866
Marital Status:Widowed
Relation to Head of House:Father-in-law (Father)
Home in 1940:Hamilton, Mercer, New Jersey
Map of Home in 1940:
View Map
Street:Roberts Avenue
House Number:135
Inferred Residence in 1935:Hamilton, Mercer, New Jersey
Residence in 1935:Same House
Citizenship:Having first papers
Sheet Number:5B
Attended School or College:No
Highest Grade Completed:Elementary school, 4th grade
Weeks Worked in 1939:0
Income Other Sources:No
Neighbors: View others on page
Household Members:

John Price 45
Clara Price 38
Leah Price 14
John Price 13
William Sutton 74
Harold Sutton 21
Russell Sutton 19
Elizabeth Sutton 11



Andrew Report 14 Jun 2015 13:53

and 1920

William H Sutton
[Willaim H Sutton]
Birth Year:abt 1870
Home in 1920:Hamilton, Mercer, New Jersey
Street:Roberts Ave
House Number:335
Immigration Year:1910
Relation to Head of House:Head
Marital Status:Married
Spouse's Name:Elizabeth Sutton
Father's Birthplace:England
Mother's Birthplace:England
Native Tongue:English
Able to Speak English:Yes
Industry:Rubber Mill
Employment Field:Wage or Salary
Home Owned or Rented:Own
Home Free or Mortgaged:Mortgaged
Naturalization Status:Alien
Able to Read:Yes
Able to Write:Yes
View others on page
Household Members:

William H Sutton 50
Elizabeth Sutton 39
Clara Sutton 18
George Sutton 16
William Sutton 9
Woodrow W Sutton 7
Edward J Sutton 5
Leonard Sutton 2
[2 8/12]
Harold Sutton 0



Maria Report 14 Jun 2015 17:09

Evening Guys,

Thank-you for all the time and effort you have put in. Im not sure wether any of the above is relevant.

My fathers Mother Clara, died as a Russell in 1919, in Liverpool when he was about 9ish he was then placed in an orphanage as the Russell family disowned him as he was believed to be iligitimate. The russell father of my grandads half blood died in about 1905.

Looking at past census etc .... William Sutton was still here and had remarried about 1910 to a Catherine Baker she had a number of children that were not his. Mt grandfathers family were very religious (catholic and my GF dad was Cof E im sure this would have been frowned upon.

That was all I knew. My GF was demmobed in about 1946 and he had seen the legal notice shortly after that it was a couple of years later my GF and my dad who believes it was about 1950 went to the Liverpool Echo office to look at archived copies, my dad said he didn't need to go back too long.

I think a death in 1950 may be too late, and the lawyer assigned to the case was defiantly Boston MA. Surely with only the written word would have took a while after death to deal with an estate matter.

If MR W H Sutton had living kin in USA would they have bothered looking for my GF in England. Im assuming he died in Boston as his Lawyer was there maybe im assuming too much.

Thanks everyone can you help look up anything that could be closer to what we think eg death in Boston I assumed MR Sutton died there,

William sutton had 4 previous children before my grand father one called William so why did he call my GF William some people suggest even if a child died they would call another child same name.

Some history
1901 census Robsart St Liverpool

William Sutton 31 b1870 Liverpool Carter in Hay and Straw
Elizabeth Sutton 29 b1872 Liverpool (Williams 1st wife died in Liverpool 1905
William Sutton Son 7 b1894 (the 1st William)
Daniel Thomas son 5 b1896
John Sutton Son 3 b1898
Richard Sutton B1900

in the 1911 census William senior had remarried in 1910 and Richard Living with him and his new wifes children all the rest have vanished I found a number of Military records did they all die in WW1.

sorry for going on Maria


Gee Report 15 Jun 2015 07:19


I cannot see the people you mention on the census?

Also, there is a Boston in New York state

Found it



William Sutton 31
Elizabeth Sutton 29
William Sutton 7
Daniel T Sutton 5
John Sutton 3
Richard Sutton 1


Maria Report 15 Jun 2015 13:09

Dear Gins,
That could be an option Boston NY, could look into immigration to there then.

I know he was definitely still in UK in 1911 assuming April.

Trying to think logically. would he have left family 2 to go US has anyone had any luck with children of Marriage 1. there are some military records that could be them.

Does anyone think they would still look for NOK even if he had other kin?

Im flummoxed as to were to go now i don't think there are any deaths for children of marriage1.

regards Maria