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Mary Grayling c1814
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Kucinta | Report | 13 Jun 2015 18:10 |
The 1854 Mary Grayling death Yvonne posted, may belong to this lass. As age at death wasn't recorded in the indexes at that time, it's hard to know: |
Researching: |
Catherine | Report | 14 Jun 2015 15:01 |
Sorry haven't been back for a while as have been really busy. |
Caroline | Report | 17 Sep 2015 14:59 |
After several weeks I am still non the wiser to Mary Grayling marrying Henry Bennett. I have been contacted by a distant relative of Henry and he has Mary Quinlan on his tree, but why (as already has been mentioned) did they marry in Portsmouth. Its a long way (in those days) from Sussex/Surrey. I have also found a marriage of Henry Bennett to a Mary Welland in a parish called Pepper Harow in Surrey in 1832, which the date fits, but surname doesn't Still confused :-S :-S :-S anyone any other ideas? :-) :-) |