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1911 Census Look Up Please!

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mgnv Report 31 May 2015 23:27 gives
Schedule type Last names First names Sex Birth year Age in 1911 District / other County / other
HOUSEHOLD LYNCH HANNAH F 1898 13 Kensington London
INSTITUTION LYNCH M HANNAH F 1842 69 Kensington London
Sub-District: Kensington North
Record Type: Institution

Here's the subdisticts of Kensington RD
1 Kensington South
2 Kensington Central
3 Kensington North

Reference: RG 78/6
Registration Sub-District: Kensington North
Civil Parish, Township or Place:Kensington (part)
RD 2 RS 3 ED 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30

Now Hannah a=13 lives in rd2 sd2, and our Hannah is the only one living in rd2 sd3,
We can further determine Hsnnsh's census ref is: rd2 sd3 ed29

So we can proceed as before to get folk living with Hannah:

Schedule type Last names First names Sex Birth year Age in 1911 District / other County / other Transcript Original page
INSTITUTION BELL M E F 1829 82 Kensington London
INSTITUTION EDWARDS M EMILY F 1844 67 Kensington London
INSTITUTION EVERHIGHT M LUCY F 1840 71 Kensington London
INSTITUTION MACK M ELIZABETH F 1839 72 Kensington London
INSTITUTION NEIL M MARGARET F 1845 66 Kensington London
INSTITUTION SMITH M ISABELLA F 1850 61 Kensington London
INSTITUTION SMITH M LUCY F 1849 62 Kensington London
INSTITUTION STUTT M ELIZA F 1832 79 Kensington London
INSTITUTION SWAN M MARY F 1836 75 Kensington London
INSTITUTION TAYLOR M ANN F 1846 65 Kensington London
INSTITUTION WHITE BROSE F 1843 68 Kensington London
INSTITUTION WOOD M MARY F 1841 70 Kensington London
INSTITUTION YOUNG M ANNA F 1847 64 Kensington London

If I just look at census ref rd2 sd3 ed29, there's 224 hits/
I don't have an example of an institutional page, but a normal household census has 15 lines, and there's 16 folk living with Hannah, so maybe I'm just seeing the folk on her page.

There's another odd thing - most of the names begin with an initial M.
I don't know what significance the leading M has - the only time I've seen anyhing like this was in a Quebec convent where, in this example, a typical inmate is:
Sr. Madeleine de Jésus - Falardeau, Blanche
In fact the majority of inmates begin with Sr = Soeur / Sister.


mgnv Report 31 May 2015 23:26

If you just want to know who's in the household, then here's how:

In Gins first post, one finds:
Registration district:St Marylebone
Registration District Number:7
Sub-registration district:Christchurch
ED, institution, or vessel:5

These don't completely identify the household - the missing element is the schedule #, which appears in the top-right corner of the census sheet - see:

NB Although Ancestry have a search box for schedule #, entering anything in the box kills all hits.
One might get a hint that something's odd as Ancestry doesn't show this item in their transcription.

Now there are 2 sites of interest:

Our first problem is to locate our subject on the 1911census site.
We want to do a person search, and show the advanced fields.
There are 139 Michael Lynch's, but only 5 a=75+/-5, so I can pick the living in St Marylebone RD.

Next, I can remove the age, and find out how many Michael Lynchs the are in this RD:

Schedule type Last names First names Sex Birth year Age in 1911 District / other County / other
HOUSEHOLD LYNCH MICHAEL M 1896 15 St Marylebone London
HOUSEHOLD LYNCH MICHAEL M 1868 43 St Marylebone London
HOUSEHOLD LYNCH MICHAEL M 1882 29 St Marylebone London
HOUSEHOLD LYNCH MICHAEL M 1836 75 St Marylebone London
HOUSEHOLD SYNCH MICHAEL M 1868 43 St Marylebone London

I've added one other, who was obviously mistranscribed - in fact, he's the only Synch in the RD.
I came across another obvious mistranscription in the RD, viz BridHet lynch - it turns out there's only one other Bridhet in England.
[g & h are adjacent keys on a standard keyboard]

Ancestry has one Bridhet (not one of ours) and just one Michael Synch (in Lancs), so clearly Ancestry is using a difft transcription.
This two odditiess do appear on FS:
Name: Bridhet Lynch
Michael Synch

so we may infer FS is using the same transcription, and we know FS is using the FMP/GR transcription for all its English censuses.
Note, FS has a link to the FMP site in the right col of the above hits.

So whether I started on 1911census, or went directly to FS, I can get to the FS hit
Theere were 2 items there you didn't mention, viz:
Sub-District: Christchurch
Record Type: Household

The last I would normally ignore - it's really there for contrast, but it would be handy to know the subdistrict # for Christchurch.

Now there are 2 sets of images for the 1911 - the first is the individual household sheets, and these are classed as rg14; the second is the summary books, and these are classed as rg78.
So now go to

We could do a simple search for gins's piece # by searching for rg14/562 and get:
Reference: RG 14/562
Registration Sub-District: Christchurch
Civil Parish, Township or Place:St Marylebone (part)
RD 7 RS 3 ED 5

The Context in the footer gives the RD:
St Marylebone

However, normally, I would do an advanced search for Marylebone within ref rg78 and learn the Registration Sub-District are:
1 All Souls
2 St Mary
3 Christchurch
4 St John

Reference: RG 78/20
Registration Sub-District: Christchurch
Civil Parish, Township or Place:St Marylebone (part)
RD 7 RS 3 ED 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25

As we see here, piece rg78/20 covers the whole of a subdistrict, as is typical.
If I knew the place better, I might even know what sector of the RD was covered by Christchurch.

I would then do another advanced search for all the words Marylebone & Christchurch within ref rg14
(If I hadn't wanted to see the other subdistricts, I could have gone straight to searching for Marylebone & Christchurch within ref rg14 & rg78.)

I can display 60 hits per page at foot, and order by reference in header.
We see there's an orderly progression from:
RG 14/558 RD 7 RS 3 ED 1
RG 14/576 RD 7 RS 3 ED 19
then comes
RG 14/577 RD 7 RS 3 ED 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25

Normally, each regular household enumeration district is done by one enumerator and gets its own piece #.
The only piece #s I've seen getting multiple EDs contained only institutions (I've not seen any military, nor naval vessel censuses).
If I search on 1911census within census ref rg14/577 for John, I get 110 hits, all institutional; and for Mary, I get 39 hits, all institutional.

Now lets return to our 4 Michael Lynch hits in London, St Marylebone
Remove the London, St Marylebone filters, and enter the census ref rd7 to make sure we still get the same 4 hits.
Now enter census ref: rd7 sd1 - no hits; then rd7 sd2 - gets the a=29 guy; and rd7 sd3 - gets the remaining 3 hits.
Well, I could go thru rd7 sd3 ed1 thru rd7 sd3 ed19, but that looks like a bit of a pain, so lets leave the census ref as rd7 sd3, and move Michael Lynch from the opening 2 Personal details fields to the Other members of h/h fields, and get:

HOUSEHOLD CONROY ELLEN F 1903 8 St Marylebone London
HOUSEHOLD FINUCANE ELLEN F 1843 68 St Marylebone London
HOUSEHOLD FINUCANE JOHANNA F 1890 21 St Marylebone London
HOUSEHOLD FINUCANE TIMOTHY M 1868 43 St Marylebone London
HOUSEHOLD FINUCANE WILLIAM M 1887 24 St Marylebone London
HOUSEHOLD LYNCH BRIDHET F 1864 47 St Marylebone London
HOUSEHOLD LYNCH FRANCIS F 1892 19 St Marylebone London
HOUSEHOLD LYNCH JULIA F 1871 40 St Marylebone London
HOUSEHOLD LYNCH KATIE F 1904 7 St Marylebone London
HOUSEHOLD LYNCH MAGGIE F 1907 4 St Marylebone London
HOUSEHOLD LYNCH MARGARET F 1872 39 St Marylebone London
HOUSEHOLD LYNCH MARY F 1839 72 St Marylebone London
HOUSEHOLD LYNCH MARY F 1894 17 St Marylebone London
HOUSEHOLD LYNCH MICHAEL M 1896 15 St Marylebone London
HOUSEHOLD LYNCH THOMAS PETER M 1892 19 St Marylebone London
HOUSEHOLD LYNCH WILLIAM M 1910 1 St Marylebone London
HOUSEHOLD SYNCH MICHAEL M 1868 43 St Marylebone London

So now its a question of sorting out these 3 h/hs, and its here we'ld like names from this list that are unique in rd7 sd3
So (using exact spelling) we pick BRIDHET LYNCH & MICHAEL SYNCH which takes care of all the Lynchs, but only them.
There are 8 FINUCANEs in the subdistrict, all with unique forenames (Ancestry has our 4 as Finmore) So our Finucanes and Ellen Conroy are 75 y.o. Michael's housemates.

One can guess relationships for the above 17 names, starting with Head, Wife, Son, Daughter, and repeat for our 3 Michaels.
This gets everyone except Ellen Conroy, our Michael, and Francis Lynch - guessing servant, lodger, boarder and visitor shows our Michael is a boarder.

As a check, clear the search form, then search for census ref: rd4 sd3 ed5 sn319; then rd4 sd3 ed11 sn290; then rd4 sd3 ed11 sn331, (but you can't figure this sn out).

Marked As Answer Marked as Answered


Rachel Report 30 May 2015 15:53

Thanks very much Gins!


Gee Report 30 May 2015 02:34


Name:Michael Lynch

Age in 1911:75

Estimated Birth Year:abt 1836

Relation to Head:Boarder


Birth Place:Limerick, Limerick, Ireland

Civil Parish:St Marylebone


Street address:80 Carlisle Street, St Marylebone, N W

Marital Status:Widowed


Registration district:St Marylebone

Registration District Number:7
Sub-registration district:Christchurch
ED, institution, or vessel:5

Household Members:

Ellen Finmore 68
Timothy Finmore 43
William Finmore 24
Johanna Finmore 21
Michael Lynch 75
Ellen Conroy 8


Mary Jane Lynch
[Hannah Lynch]
[Hannah Lynch]

Age in 1911:69

Estimated Birth Year:abt 1842


Birth Place:Cork, Cork, Ireland

Civil Parish:Kensington


Street address:
St Josephs House, Home For Aged Poor, Portobello Road, North Kensington

Marital Status:Wid


Registration district:Kensington

Registration District Number:2
Sub-registration district:Kensington North

ED, institution, or vessel:28-30


The surnames in the transcription of this census have been mixed up!


Rachel Report 30 May 2015 01:59

Hello all!

I was wondering if anyone could do a quick look up on two people for me. I have 'rough' details taken from family search, but need information like others living in the house with them and their occupation or former occupation. Thanks to anyone who can do it. I just need to rule these people out as being connected to me. The two people of interest are:

Michael Lynch living in Marylebone, London Age 75 (b.1836) From County Limerick, Ireland.


M Hannah Lynch living in Kensington, London age 69 (b.1842) From County Cork, Ireland.

Many thanks,