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Opinion please?

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mgnv Report 23 May 2015 22:32

Lancashire Death indexes for the years: 1859
Surname Forename(s) Age Sub-District Registers At Reference
MYATT Amelia 31 Chorlton-on-Medlock Manchester CHO/37/262


mgnv Report 23 May 2015 21:47

Here's something a bit odd:
Lancashire Marriage indexes for the years: 1863
Surname Forename(s) Surname Forename(s) Church / Register Office Registers At Reference
MYATT Harriette COIGNON Alfred Manchester Register Office or Registrar Attended Archives+, Manchester Central Library MCR_RM/54/154
MYATT Harriette COIGNOU Alfred Chorlton-on-Medlock, St. Saviour Archives+, Manchester Central Library 45/1/281

The format of most local refs is:
1) a code indicating the church (or subdistrict for B's & D's) - 45 here which this site decodes for you as Chorlton-on-Medlock, St. Saviour
2) a register #, so it's the first rego here
3) an entry # (281 here) or page # - marrs usually have an entry # so it's possible to say who wed whom (B/D regos have 500 entries at 5 per page).

As Sylvia notes, not all registers in FS's collection are indexed, so "Browse through 248,202 images" down the following path:
England, Lancashire, Ches...rish Registers, 1603-1910 > Lancashire > Chorlton upon Medlock, St Saviour > Marriages, 1838-1876 > Image 141 of 250

In spite of the title, the collection's really just records from the Diocese of Manchester.
NB As we know it's entry 281, and there's 2 entries per page, we should expect the image to be 141 in sequence (or thereabouts) and it is.

So why 2 marrs??
Pre-1899, only C of E, jews & quakers (plus the registrar) were authorized to keep official marr registers, so a registrar would have to attend any non-conformist marr withh his official rego for the couple to sign to conclude the ceremony.
Of course, the church could keep their own (unofficial) marr register, and some did - this could be in unofficial form e.g., latin for RC churches.
Post-1898, non-conformists could apply to be authorized to keep official marr registers, although the RC chose not to apply until the 1980s (I think).

I would think a marr in some other faith more likely than a rego office marr for these folk.


Dea Report 23 May 2015 09:46

Two brilliant sites for Lancashire info:

The marriage was on the second one .

Dea x


brummiejan Report 23 May 2015 09:31

Many thanks for your input, Sylvia & Dea.

I have never explored Lancashire records, will take a look at those, thanks.

Dea, I had found the marriage but only on Freebmd, so that's very much appreciated, thank you.

Jan x


Dea Report 23 May 2015 08:19

I think you are right and they are one and the same person.

I also think that the death you have found is correct.

Dea x

P.S. - while I was 'digging around' for info on them I came across this which you probably have but I will post it just in case:

Marriage: 27 Jun 1863 St Saviour, Chorlton on Medlock, Lancashire, England
Alfred Coignou - Full, Professor of Languages, Bachelor, Brunswick St.
Harriett Myatt - Full, Spinster, Brunswick St.
Groom's Father: Frederick Coignou, Deceased, Merchant
Bride's Father: James Myatt, Engineer
Witness: Roger Snead?; Matilda Mallison
Married by Banns by: W. Carpenter D.D.
Register: Marriages 1838 - 1876, Page 141, Entry 281
Source: LDS Family Search

Dea x


SylviaInCanada Report 23 May 2015 05:47

not sure if it helps at all, but here is that Amelia's death from lancsbmd

Lancashire Death indexes for the years: 1859
Surname Forename(s) Age Sub-District Registers At Reference

MYATT Amelia 31 Chorlton-on-Medlock Manchester CHO/37/262

Family Search have the Parish Records for some at leas of the Chorlton-on-Medlock churches ......... they are not indexed, so you have to search page by page

scroll down to Chorlton upon Medlock

there MIGHT be some information in the Parish record IF they have it.


brummiejan Report 23 May 2015 00:09

Thanks Kath & Kucinta. I thought so too, but you know how easy it is to get carried away!
Much appreciated.
Jan x


Kucinta Report 23 May 2015 00:07

I'd go with her being Susan Amelia, or Amelia Susan, and doing the helpful thing of being known by more than one of her forenames....


KathleenBell Report 22 May 2015 23:57

I think you are right and Susan A. Myatt is probably Susan Amelia. I can't find anyone else that fits.

Kath. x


brummiejan Report 22 May 2015 22:55

Hi everyone.

Just want an objective opinion please.

The family in 1841 are my husband's relatives. I am wondering if the Susan A Myatt in 1851 is related, as Presumably Myatts born in Switzerland and living in Lancashire aren't overly common! Possibly a daughter?

In fact, I do wonder if she is actually the same person as the 1841 Amelia Myatt,


Name: Amelia Myatt
Age: 14
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1827
Gender: Female
Where born: Foreign Parts
Civil Parish: Manchester
Hundred: Salford
County/Island: Lancashire

Registration district: Manchester
Sub-registration district: Ancoats

James Myatt 35
Constance Myatt 35 (born Switzerland)
Amelia Myatt 14
Sigemand Myatt 10
Harriet Myatt 12
Maria Myatt 70


Name: Susan A Myatt
Age: 22
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1829
Relation: Governess (Employee)

Where born: Switzerland
Civil Parish: Broughton
Phillimore Ecclesiastical Parish Maps:
View related Ecclesiastical Parish
Town: Broughton
County/Island: Lancashire
Country: England

Just to add, Harriette is also a governess by 1861.

I have tentatively assumed this is Amelia's death:

Deaths Dec 1859 (>99%)
Myatt Amelia Chorlton 8c 358


Jan x