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Can anyone find a birth please.

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Jacqueline Report 16 May 2015 11:01

A copy of the death cert would include her maiden name..........if she had been married. The informant's details may also provide a clue

How does your friend connect with this woman?

She should be working back from herself to get an accurate 'line'


HeyJudeB4Beatles Report 16 May 2015 10:56

Jane, thanks. Don't suggest she puts her details but her mum's name/maiden name might help enormously



Jane Report 16 May 2015 09:26

Hi All,

Thanks for this help, when I see my friend next Wednesday I am hoping she has found some more info.

Her family must have arrived here in Australia about late 1890's, this is a guess, she has told me Scotland and Ireland etc is where the general family are from. but I suppose someone must have ended up in Bath because this is where she went about 30 odd years ago when she visited England.

I am not sure how she feels about putting her own details on line ?

When I found the death of May Harriet Hall in 1979 I thought I had found the family but of course sometimes it is not that easy.

I do not think the main part of the family were ever in England

Jane XX.



Jane Report 16 May 2015 08:48

Hi All,

This tiny piece of information in on a scrap of paper that my friend has.

May Harriet Hall, 10th Nov. 1890 birth,


D. 11 Aug. 1979 Bath.

parents not known but note says ' Unknown Hall died 1913 and unknown mother died 1930,

Great Grandparents Hall died before 1890

Then mentions a Mrs Caudle died before 1890.

Possibly a Mr Hall married a Mrs Caudle perhaps...

Thankyou very much for the 1911 census, perhaps if my friend finds any more paperwork this may fit in with the 1911 names.

Thankyou to everyone for your help.

Jane. X



Dea Report 16 May 2015 08:47

Who were the relatives your friend was visiting please?

When did she visit?

We need to have all the info that you have and details of the documents found.

Any little detail will give us something to try to connect to.

Dea x


HeyJudeB4Beatles Report 16 May 2015 08:38

I am totally disregarding my earlier thoughts :-)

The May H wedding to Mr Hall is a May Holly.......

Jane - do let us know "mum's" names.....but do get the cert!!



Dea Report 16 May 2015 08:19

The combination of May and Harriet in that order is quite unusual, could she have been 'Harriet May' ?

If so, there is this one:

Harriet May Hall

Name: Harriet May Hall
Registration Year: 1891
Registration Quarter: Jan-Feb-Mar
Registration district: Weardale

1911 England, Wales & Scotland Census Transcription
Old Park Tow Low, Wolsingham, Durham, England

Learn more
Print transcription View image
Household Members
First name(s) Last name Relationship to household head Marital condition Gender Age Birth year Birth place Occupation
Robert Hall Head Married Male 57 1854 Durham Wolsingham Parish Farmer

Jane Hall Wife Married Female 53 1858 Durham Thornley -

Elizabeth Hannah Hall Daughter Single Female 29 1882 Durham Thornley -

Frances Emma Hall Daughter Single Female 23 1888 Durham Thornley -

Isabel Ada Hall Daughter Single Female 22 1889 Durham Thornley -

Harriet May Hall Daughter Single Female 20 1891 Durham Thornley -

James Hall Son Single Male 19 1892 Durham Thornley -

Henrietta Maud Hall Daughter Single Female 17 1894 Durham Thornley -

Beatrice Lavinia Hall Daughter - Female 9 1902 Durham Thornley -

William Watson Hall Grandson - Male 3 1908 Durham Thornley -

George Edward Lawson Servant Single Male 17 1894 Tow Low Durham Farm Labourer

She 'could' have moved down to Bath at some stage?

Dea x


HeyJudeB4Beatles Report 16 May 2015 08:17

Jane - what was you friend's mum's name (before and after marriage) - just a thought!

Certainly, the certificate is the best move....



Jane Report 16 May 2015 08:03


My friend is interested in her because she remembers that visit to England when she was a young woman, so happy memories I guess.

Other members of my friends lines are from Scotland and Ireland so I cannot help with that.

When my friend visited May Hall she thinks she was living alone and did not think she had married but cannot be sure

Thanks everyone for trying, I shall suggest we get the death cert.

Jane X.


Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it Report 16 May 2015 07:56

Her death certificate should say if she was wife or widow of so you will know if she was married .

Also the informant could be family


HeyJudeB4Beatles Report 16 May 2015 07:53

No GB....but there are six siblings and I can only find two registered births :-S



GlitterBaby Report 16 May 2015 07:43

That looks promising

I was trying the other route of matching possible births in 1890 to marriages to Hall

BUT no May H in qtr 4 if the date of birth on death record is correct.


HeyJudeB4Beatles Report 16 May 2015 07:42

Beverley - death

Name: May Harriet Hall
Birth Date: 10 Nov 1890
Date of Registration: Sep 1979
Age at Death: 88
Registration district: Bath
Inferred County: Avon
Volume: 22
Page: 0176



HeyJudeB4Beatles Report 16 May 2015 07:40

GB - glad it was not only me!

Jane - what was your friend's mother's name?

I have found only one possibility (assuming Hall was a married name). I won't speculate here until you reply Jane! But there is a May Harriet birth and 1911 census followed by a marriage in Bristol that would fit....



BeverleyW Report 16 May 2015 07:39

Not seeing a birth for May Harriet Hall. Do you even know if Hall would be her married name?
I can't see a death either, have you got the certificate?


GlitterBaby Report 16 May 2015 07:36

This site has BMD's up to the 1960's. Not complete as done by volunteers

There is no May Harriet Hall birth in 1890

She could have been born overseas


Jane Report 16 May 2015 07:27

Hi Jude,

Thanks for your reply, my friend went to England in her younger days to visit relatives and remembers this person, she visited her in Bath, England.

Recently my friend has found some old paperwork that her mother jotted down about the family, this was done years ago, Mum has since died.

She gave me the death date and I found that of course but cannot sort it out.

Thanks for looking Jude. I just wondered if it could be found on any census.




HeyJudeB4Beatles Report 16 May 2015 07:16

How have you "picked" her out if you don't know whether Hall is her birth name or not?



Jane Report 16 May 2015 03:00

I am helping a friend with this.

We have found a death for May Harriet Hall Sep 1979 in Bath England this tells us her birth was 10 Nov. 1890.

we do not know if she ever married.

Any help to identify the family would be appreciated.
