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wonder if anyone can see what I cant!! Update

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Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it Report 15 May 2015 21:32

My grandfather was German surname FAHSE but he anglicised his name to Fasey and was stationed at Woolwich Barracks in 1904 when he married my Gran Emma Ann Dartnell .

His brother Carl also anglicised his name to Charles Fasey and married Martha Hellmuth in Woolwich in 1904

Charles and Martha had several children from 1904 but sadly Charles died Feb 1911 and Martha was pregnant with another baby George who was born in circa aug 1911 and died in Oct 1911.

NOW Martha is on the 1911 census a widow with 2 children Elizabeth born c1905 who is actually Marie Martha Elizabeth born nov 1904 and Violet bc1910 who is actually Gertrude Violet Herta born 27 Oct 1909.

They are still living at 55 Floyd Road Charlton London which is where Gertrude was born

There was another child Charles Frederick born 1907 died 1909

Have given what i know so peeps dont waste time doing look ups for what i know

I know when Martha died , who marie married ,the same man twice having divorced him .

BUT heres the ???? where is Gertrude Violet Herta , known as Violet after 1911

just to make it more a puzzle my dad also had a sister Violet born 1910 who married a Joseph Fisher in 1947 Market Harborough reg district . she died in 1986 salisbury reg district .

Stiil cant see what happened to Gertrude Violet Herta born 27 Oct 1909

Can anyone see what I cant :-( :-( :-(


GlitterBaby Report 15 May 2015 21:46

So she was not a witness to the marriage of her sister Marie then


Andrew Report 15 May 2015 21:50


Surname First name(s) Spouse District Vol Page

Marriages Jun 1936 (>99%)

Fasey Violet Hart Amersham 3a 3401
HART Albert L Fasey Amersham 3a 3401

Death with correct birth date

Name:Violet Hart
>>>>>>>>>>Birth Date:27 Oct 1909
Date of Registration:Dec 1975
Age at Death:66
Registration district:Chiltern and Beaconsfield
Inferred County:Buckinghamshire



malyon Report 15 May 2015 22:31

Births Dec 1909 (>99%)
FASEY Gertrude Violet H Woolwich 1d 1136

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it Report 16 May 2015 08:07

Sorry the internet went down

No she wasn't a witness at her sisters wedding

That looks a good possibility Andrew will take a chance and get the cert thanks

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it Report 16 May 2015 16:39

Have ordered the marriage cert so lets see what info it gives

Her sister marie married first as Elizabeth , one of her second names , but when she remarried her ex hubby she married in her birth christian names and her death has the same christian names

i was hoping Gertrude too somewhere along the lines knew her birth names and would use them but no records found in those names.

I have spoken to Marie hubbys side of the family . they didnt have children, BUT seems Marie was very secretive of her family background , MAYBE because of the german connection as both her parents were German.

Will update when the cert is here :-)

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it Report 22 May 2015 12:14

Thank you so much Andrew.

The cert arrived today and it is her. Father down correctly as Charles ,deceased, occ soldier Well he had been but had come out of the army by the time he died but she probably didn't know that
So pleased to put that little part of the family now as complete. I don't like gaps. Lol
:-D :-D :-D