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Joyce and Don Cranefield.......New Zealand

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JoonieCloonie Report 5 May 2015 00:23

I had an Auntie Mae ... who was no relation at all :-)

She was my mum's best friend from school days and throughout their lives ... she died about 20 years ago but if my mum had died first, I would have sent flowers for the funeral of "Auntie Mae" ... and her children call my mum "Aunt Effy" (if her name were Effy) to this day.

so it may be that they weren't blood relations, but at least you know now who Joyce was

Joyce's parents Ruby May and Arthur Nankivell were in Hutt, Wellington, and Pahiatua, Manawatu-Wanganui, alternating, on the electoral rolls 1914-1957

Victoria May and Henry Shailer were in Palmerston and Manawatu, Manawatu-Wanganui, and Otaki, Wellington, alternating, on the electoral rolls 1911-1949

so they weren't neighbours ...

Now, going with all the great info found for you in this thread ...

I wonder whether Arthur Nankivell might be the one in a member's tree at this site, born 1884 in Dallington, Christchurch

Yes, the same member has Ruby Schumacher (no place or date of birth) in their tree

two other people each have two different Joyce Cranefields, born in 1917 and 1929, at least one of them in Petone, who would probably be related

and aha, all three of those members have
Donald Cranefield born in 1914 in Wellington
Elizabeth Nankivell born in 1913 in Lower Hutt

(I actually searched for Joyce Cranefield by mistake since her name was Nankivell, but it turned up relations anyway :-) )

so if you sent messages to those three people, hopefully at least one would still have a current email address and get your message

just click Search up top and then Search All Member Trees and search for

Elizabeth Nankivell 1913

and click Find Out More next to the members' names to send a message


Jennifer Report 4 May 2015 20:57

Thanks for all your "digging". I still have no idea of what the connection can be.. I have tried checking the spouses of Victoria May's siblings but no luck. I will also try searching through the Shailer line. :-)


Gee Report 4 May 2015 15:44

This looks like Elizabeth Joyce' inlaws marriage

Name:Christina Ellen Grant


Marriage Year:1914


Spouse:Joseph William Cranefield

Folio Number:52


Dea Report 4 May 2015 11:11

Don't we always MC ? ;-) :-D

Dea Xxx


MarieCeleste Report 4 May 2015 11:10

We're singing from the same hymn sheet Dea!


Dea Report 4 May 2015 11:03

A lovely description of their wedding here:

Dea x


MarieCeleste Report 4 May 2015 11:02

Elizabeth Joyce Nankivell actually celebrated her 21st birthday in 1934, amongst the guests at the celebration were a number of Cranefields:

Quite a few mentions of the names on Papers Past


Elizabeth Joyce's engagement to Don

and their marriage:


Dea Report 4 May 2015 10:57

You were right Gins:

Evening Post , Issue 92, 18 April 1936, Page 18


The engagement is announced of
Elizabeth Joyce, only daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. A Nankivell, of Lower Hutt,
to Donald James Grant, eldest son of
Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Cranefield, Pentone.

Dea x


Gee Report 4 May 2015 09:53

Victoria May Shailer (Richardson)

Birthdate: 1885
Death: Died 1953

Immediate Family:

Daughter of George Thomas Richardson and Alice Richardson

Wife of Henry James Shailer

Mother of Claude Albert Shailer and Duncan William Shailer

Sister of Charlotte Shailer; Arthur Harold Richardson; Percival Henry Richardson; Ethel Maud Richardson; Sarah Zillah Diana Richardson; Frank Edward Richardson; Catherine Elizabeth Richardson; Emily Alice Richardson; Herbert Thomas Barron Richardson and Walter Sydney Benjamin Richardson

If 'Joyce was a blood niece, her parent should be one of the above siblings to Victoria May


Jennifer Report 4 May 2015 09:50

Sorry for the question was supposed to be a smiley face :-)


Jennifer Report 4 May 2015 09:48

Yes.....that is my Victoria May ??


Dea Report 4 May 2015 09:42

Is this 'your' Victoria May?

Registration Number Family Name Given Name(s) Mother's Given Name(s)Father's Given

1886/10350 Richardson Victoria May - parents - Alice+ George Thomas

Dea x


Dea Report 4 May 2015 09:32

Might not be connected at all but there is this death which 'could' link the Richardson name with a Cranefield?

1993/33065 Cranefield Christina Richardson b.23/2/1915 77Y Order Product

Dea x


Gee Report 4 May 2015 09:29

There is an Elizabeth Joyce Nankivell born 1914, she is in the same area in 1934/5 on the ER

Her parents are:

Name:Ruby May Schumacher


Marriage Year:1912


Spouse:Arthur Nankivell

Folio Number:6470


Donald was born 1914 and so was Elizabeth Joyce Nankivell


Dea Report 4 May 2015 09:22

I was just looking at his death Gins

Registration Number Family Name Given Name(s) Date of Birth Age at Death
1964/35803 Cranefield Donald James Grant 50Y

So dob around 1914

Dea x


Gee Report 4 May 2015 09:11

This may be your lady, living with Donald James G Cranefield

Elizabeth Joyce Cranefield

Electoral Year:1938


Region or Province:Wellington


Jennifer Report 4 May 2015 09:00

I have a card from my Grandmothers wreath saying In loving memory of our dear Aunty May. I am trying to find the connection. Unfortunately I have no idea what Joyce's maiden name may have been.
My grandmother was Victoria May Shailer nee Richardson. She died in October 1953. The card is stamped from a florist in Lower Hutt. NZ .
I am hoping someone may have information as to how these people fit into my tree.
Many thanks.