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Thomas Thompson b.1853

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Gee Report 29 Apr 2015 09:30

For ref

Name:Thomas Thompson


Estimated Birth Year:abt 1853

Relationship to Head:Lodger


Where born:Maryport, Cumberland, England

Civil Parish:Ashton Under Lyne


Street address:31 West St

Occupation:Carder Cotton

Registration district:Ashton Under Lyne

Sub registration district:Knott Lanes

ED, institution, or vessel:3

Page Number:16

Household Members:

Edward Code 39
Martha Code 39
Julia Code 70
Anthony Whitestead 24
Thomas Thompson


David Report 29 Apr 2015 09:22

I have a relative Thomas Thompson b.1853 who was married to Sarah Margaret Dickinson on 17 April 1881, which was a couple of weeks after the 1881 census. On the church certificate he puts his father as John Thompson is a ships carpenter but I don't know if he was living at the time of the marriage.

Thomas Thompson on the censuses 1881 to 1901 his birth is Maryport, Cumbria but in 1911 he writes Liverpool. I most inclined to believe the Liverpool as he wrote it. However I can’t find any record of his birth or find him on the 1861 and 1871 census.

I thought I had found his family on the 1851 census [see below] but Thomas doesn't appear in 1861 or 1871.
John Thompson Head Married Male 35 1816 Ship Carpenter Journeyman Maryport, Cumberland, England
Fanny Thompson Wife Married Female 36 1815 - Maryport, Cumberland, England
To be sure this wasn't his family I got Fanny Thompson’s will and Thomas wasn't mentioned.
Can you suggest how I might find Thomas? In later life he became a publican and I have found licence information with his name as landlord.

Thanking you in advance