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USA death/burial

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JoyLouise Report 27 Apr 2015 19:38

Sorry, my footie knowledge is only of Sunderland, Newcastle, Liverpool, Everton and 'The Gunners' which was Dad's team.

I've looked at Ancestry (hubby uses that site) and - not checked yet - someone has a tree which gives John Corbett Kenna's parents as William Joseph Kenna and Elizabeth May Porter, both born in Aus. I've seen the tree that says James O'Connor McKenna and Charlotte Agnes Sophia Horne but I think that person ha taken a leap of faith and changed McKenna to Kenna - 1914 birth-year.

Many apologies - is Sheffield FC known as The Steelers? In the back of my ageing brain it rings a bell.


Gee Report 27 Apr 2015 19:18

Not seeing a John Corbett Kenna born in 1914, Manchester?

There is a John Kenna, born 1913?

Sheffield United.....Sunderland indeed ;-)


JoyLouise Report 27 Apr 2015 19:09


Is that Sunderland Football team?


JoyLouise Report 27 Apr 2015 19:07

II'll take a look as I know it he info says he was born in Australia and the death notice says born 1913.

In the meantime I found a birth in Manchester, England for a John Corbett Kenna in 1914 - a coincidence!

thanks Gins.


Gee Report 27 Apr 2015 17:18

You have to purchase the Will. I posted a link earlier

I think this might be John's birth

26389/1914 KENNA John James O'Connor Agnes - Sydney



His parents marriage



JoyLouise Report 27 Apr 2015 16:14

Tried but failed.

Perhaps they have a cut-off date for wills and 2004 and 2011 are too recent. However, Gins, where did you come across the will information, please?


JoyLouise Report 27 Apr 2015 15:54

Yes, thanks Gins.

The other FTs that I've seen have her death as 2010 and have her as Ruth Petrie Cleary - so she may have married previously.

Still can't find a marriage for her or Margery though - to John Corbett Kenna. His obit makes it clear that he had children (not a child) - but I think he and Ruth would not have had children and that children were born to Margery and John but she must have had them in her 30s and beyond if that's so.

Always the possibility that he married early to some other lady.

I'll see if I can have a look at the wills as they may give clues to children.


Gee Report 27 Apr 2015 14:50

Looks like she died in 2011

KENNA RUTH PETRIE 16 August 2011 3601166 24 December 2010 Grant and will Cardiff


JoyLouise Report 27 Apr 2015 13:33

Think I'll stop as I found a Ruth Petrie Kenna with him in 2002 so he may have remarried - and I may begin to infringe on someone's privacy as it's not too far in the past.

Thank you all.


JoyLouise Report 27 Apr 2015 12:21

Gins, googled more and came up with a daughter, author and anthropologist Margaret E Kenna who wrote a lovely tribute to her mother in one of her books - Greek Island Life - Fieldwork on Anafi.

So Margery and John had at least one child and as his obit reads 'children' they could have had more unless he remarried after Margery died.


JoyLouise Report 27 Apr 2015 11:46

Thanks Gins.

I googled john's death and saw his obit. He had been a clinical psychologist in Manchester - and he was born in Australia. The obit mentioned children as well as wife (not dead or living) - hard to fathom.

I'll take another search of the Aussie censuses when he is with Margery to see if It can glean an occupation.

IT is Margery's death, though as she was baptised in the RC faith. The priest wrote in Latin but it's understandable and the birthdate is the same.


Gee Report 27 Apr 2015 11:31

KENNA JOHN CORBETT 05 August 2004 1593012 09 July 2004 Grant and will Cardiff

Try Google for John, seems he was born in Sydney and was in the psychology field


JoyLouise Report 27 Apr 2015 10:34

Gins, got Margery now.

Not found a marriage to John Corbett Kenna yet but I see they were living at Henty, NSW at one stage but John was living at Paramatta when Margery and her mother were there.

Eureka - decided to widen the search and she came back to the UK. She died at Swansea, Wales in June 1975 (know it's her because the birth date is correct - from her baptism records). John, too, died in Swansea - in July 2004. He was several years younger than Margery if his birth-date is right.

Perhaps John was a Swansea lad.

Many thanks all.


Gee Report 27 Apr 2015 10:21

When/where was Margery born?


JoyLouise Report 27 Apr 2015 10:14

IT's clear from the posts that it's not Malvern, Henty - one gives the address 453 Waverley Road, Malvern and I know the area very well - lived and worked near there for ten years.

I wish I'd begun my family's history when I was there many years ago.


JoyLouise Report 27 Apr 2015 10:10

Thanks, Gins.

She is my Margery.

I'm afraid I have another stream going for an Illinois death but I've been alerted to the fact that Margery's mother, Kathleen Guest, is living with a Margery and John Corbett Kenna in Victoria in 1940s. I'm searching for another marriage for Margery now.

However, I've looked at the Aus censuses and the transcripts say Malvern, Henty. Henty is very rural close to the NSW border (I know it from my work over there) so my search for suburban Malvern, part of Melbourne has been in error, I think.


Gee Report 27 Apr 2015 09:49

Name:George Lancelot Gordon Tilford

Death Date:2 Apr 1928

Residence Place:Wentworth Falls

Occupation:Wireless Engineer

Civil Place:New South Wales, Australia

Administrator: Margery Tilford


JoyLouise Report 27 Apr 2015 09:19

Hi Chris,

I am certain this is my Margery as she has her mother, Kathleen Guest, living in Paramatta with her from 1933 to 1937.

It's strange that If my Margery died 1938/9 tht her mother stayed in Aus where she died in 1949 (Vic).

Bearing this in mind, I looked to see whether her other daughter, Kathleen Roberts nee Guest had moved to Aus. And so far I've come up with a death that could be her husband, Henry Charles Roberts in Bundaberg, Qld, in 1947. Got to check the med practitioners records as he was a doc. and still search for his wife Kathleen who is my first cousin twice removed.

The Illinois USA (1938/39) death for Margery (Guest) Tilford fits but I know that certificates may have to bought.

I plough on.

Chris Ho :)

Chris Ho :) Report 27 Apr 2015 08:49



(to be sure of anything, you need above Cert.., also for other 'Thread')

Chris :)

edits (Victoria BDM below)


JoyLouise Report 27 Apr 2015 08:22

Margery Tilford nee Guest

Not sure whether I ought to have added this to my 'Australia help please' thread but I think the following could be my Margery Tilford nee Guest.

Death/burial in Illinois, USA. 1938-39.

If it is mine then she was also fairly young at death. Also, don't know what she was doing in the USA. Her mother was still in Australia, her sister in England I think (Kathleen Roberts nee Guest) and her brother in Canada.

Can anyone confirm anything about this death/burial, please?