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George Smith

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Yvonne Report 26 Apr 2015 21:45

I have George Smith born in 1882, Mansfield, Derbyshire. He married Hannah Josephine Wilson in Oct 1919 in Nottingham. She was born in Dublin, Ireland. I have the marriage certificate and he was 36 when they married and she was 27. In 1901 Irish Census, Hannah is living with her parents in Blackrock, Dublin. She is not shown in the 1911 Irish Census BUT on the 1911 UK Census she is shown visiting a George & Mary Smith. Mary is shown as being born in Dublin. Hannah had a sister, Mary, so I wondered if George & Mary divorced or Mary died. I can't find a death to fit. There's a marriage reference - George Smith & Mary Wilson, Dec 1905, Mansfield, 7b/242.
Can anyone help find a death reference for Mary. On the 1901 Irish Census she is shown as being 13 years old and on the 1911 UK Census she is shown as being 25.


Andrew Report 26 Apr 2015 21:58

There is also this marriage

Surname First name(s) District Vol Page

Marriages Dec 1906 (>99%)

BIRKS Lilly Mansfield 7b 220
Johnson Enoch Mansfield 7b 220
SMITH George Mansfield 7b 220
WILSON Mary Eileen Mansfield 7b 220

1911 says George and Mary married 4 years,

(From census Enoch Johnson married Lily Birks)



Yvonne Report 26 Apr 2015 22:12

Thanks Andrew, I missed that one.


malyon Report 27 Apr 2015 00:02

not sure of mary.s birth year bur found this death

Smith Mary E 34 Derby Jun 1918


rootgatherer Report 27 Apr 2015 09:27

Just in the passing did you know that a few years before George would have been unable to marry Hannah if she was Mary's sister?

The Deceased Wife's Sister's Marriage Act 1907 removed the prohibition (although it allowed individual clergy, if they chose, to refuse to conduct marriages which would previously have been prohibited), but the Act did exactly what it said and no more, so, for example, it was not until 1921 that the Deceased Brother's Widow's Marriage Act 1921 was passed. The Marriage (Prohibited Degrees) Relationship Act 1931 extended the operation of the 1907 Act to allow the marriages of nieces and nephews by marriage as well.

I have an example in my tree where a widow married her late husband's brother in the early 1900s. I suspect they were quite aware that their marriage was illegal as she married under her unusual maiden surname and claimed to be a spinster although she was the mother of his brother's son. I have both marriage certificates.


Yvonne Report 27 Apr 2015 14:36

Thanks Yvonne. From the census it looks as if Mary was born about 1888 so not sure if your reference would work.

Rootgatherer, that info is interesting. I've never heard of that act. I think I'll have to get the marriage cert for George and Mary to see who Mary's father is. Of course it could all be pure coincidence.



Yvonne Report 29 Apr 2015 21:29

Thanks everyone for your help but it seems I've now solved it. I found George in the 1901 and 1911 census, single and still living with his parents, Levi and Ann.

For whatever reason, I couldn't find him when I did a search but found him when I searched for his father.
