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Deacon family
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Effie | Report | 15 Apr 2015 21:55 |
Hi I have been doing the Deacon family but have not put it on my tree as I cannot find who I should connect it to and have asked Yvonne to let me know how we are related to the Deacon but havn't heard any more about this. I have been going through all the census's as am trying to find out who John Deacon b.4/04/1807 Westbury Wiltshire parents were also to go back as far as I could. He married Eliza Butler b.1812 Battle East Sussex and they married on 28/08/1836 St Mary Newington Southwark London also they had seven children and I have found who their partners were and families. I have been on the family search, find my past, andf many others but to no avail and it is frustrating when you do not get what one needs so would be grateful if you could please help me. Yvonne who is my cousin has got the Deacon's on her tree GR but I cannot find who she is related to. I wonder if the Bunker's are in this as I do have some of the Bunker's in my tree but most of them are from Bedfordshire and the Bunker's in Bedfordshire are my relations whereas the Deacon's on my cousin's tree come from Wimbledon and I have written all of the Deacon's from Wimbledon and Camberwell also have found their partners and some families but as I mentioned before I just do not know how to connect them. |