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Ambrose Report 8 Apr 2015 11:14

Could anybody tell me if you needed your birth cert to get married in 1895 And if not how did they have proof of age and where born


brummiejan Report 8 Apr 2015 12:11

They didn't need proof as far as I know - as can be clearly seen in some of the 'dubious' information on some of my family's marriage certs!

I have a very clear example from the fifties. My husband's uncle went by a different surname to that which he was registered with - he had no idea this was not his birth name, until he came to apply for a passport. He went about 40 years without a birth cert!



GlitterBaby Report 8 Apr 2015 13:17

Been married twice and did not have to produce my birth cert.


Ambrose Report 8 Apr 2015 13:35

Thank you


KathleenBell Report 8 Apr 2015 17:54

I got married in 1969 and I didn't have to produce my birth certificate - which is just as well as I didn't have one until a few years ago when I decided I wanted to know which of two hospitals I was born in.

I married just 8 days after my 21st birthday, so perhaps you only needed to show it if you were a minor.

Kath. x


HeyJudeB4Beatles Report 8 Apr 2015 20:20

The only thing I had to produce in 1981 to marry in church was my baptism certificate. My husband hadn't been christened/baptised so he had to be done there and then before we could proceed!



SylviaInCanada Report 9 Apr 2015 03:50

I didn't have to show a birth certificate nor a baptism certificate when we married in 1967 ............. and I wasn't getting married in my own church either :-)

My grandparents married in 1902, lied about their ages, adding just a couple of years to the age, making her 20 and him 19 ....... so they were still under "legal" age.

Both fathers were apparently there, and they got married in her church

I still haven't worked out why they did it :-)

She was about 2 months pregnant ............... but that wouldn't have been far enough along to even show!

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it Report 9 Apr 2015 11:51

Didn't have to produce my birth cert when I put the banns in at the local registry office for our marriage in the Catholic Church in 1957. I was 20 hubby was 23.

My dad gave me a letter to take with me saying he gave his consent and this was accepted

In those days a registrar had to attend the wedding at the church and we went though a short legal marriage in the vestry with the registrar ,after the church ceremony had taken place

The registrar brought the marriage cert registry with her which we signed after the legal bit and were given our copy of the cert . We had to sign several times I sem to remember