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Top tip - using the Genes Reunited community

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  • You will find a close knit but welcoming group of keen genealogists all prepared to offer advice and help to new members.
  • And it's not all serious business. The boards are often a place to relax and be entertained by all kinds of subjects.
  • The Genes community will go out of their way to help you, so don’t be shy about asking for help.

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MarysRoots Report 6 Apr 2015 00:36

Is it possible to have multiple trees on GR or can you only have one
Thank you


SylviaInCanada Report 6 Apr 2015 05:06

Hi Mary

yes, it is possible to have more than one tree BUT you have to have a separate account for each tree.

Take out a free membership for each tree that you wish to build, using a different email address for each one

free email accounts such as gmail are very useful for this .............. you get a free membership and don't have to pay for a new email account

With a free membership, you can build your tree, and read posts on the boards.

you cannot contact other members by pm, or post on the Boards, or see the records.

If you wish to pm another member about one of your free trees, you would have to do it through your current paid membership