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Brown family[continued] spouses and offspring.

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Michael Report 3 Apr 2015 18:09

Can anyone help me with the following details.
1--- Frances M Wright married my ancestor Sidney James Brown in Woolwich Kent in 1917[cannot find any offspring].He was born in 1897 Woolwich and died 1944.
2--- Elizabeth Louise Leek married my ancestor Ernest Hatton Brown in Woolwich Kent in 1916 with one child found named Vera W Brown 1919-2001.He died in Greenwich in 1977.Were there any other children involved.
3-- Kate Florence Deards born 1909 married my ancestor Arthur George Brown in Fulham London in 1929.He was born 1904 in Wandsworth and died in Fulham in 1973.Cannot trace any offspring.
4-- Ellen Phillips married my ancestor Harry Sheepwash Brown who was born in Wandsworth London in 1905.The marriage was in Greenwich in 1939.No offspring have been found in my research and have checked WW2 without success.
Any help would be very much appreciated.
Await a response in due course.
Michael. :-(


AnnCardiff Report 3 Apr 2015 18:28

Hi there Michael :-)

think it would be better to use your initial thread on the Brown's


Rambling Report 3 Apr 2015 18:30

1 poss?

Births Jun 1928 (>99%)
Brown Anthony J Wright Woolwich 1d 1558

2 Don't appear to be children other than Vera to that marriage

3 no children to that either

This from freebmd search