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William and Mary Addy

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Rosemary Report 30 Mar 2015 15:08

Does anyone have any information about William Addy and his wife Mary, whose son John was christened at Fulford, York on 03/05/1826. I believe John grew up to be Colonel John Addy who fought in the crimea war and died 25/11/1899 and I have quite a bit of information about him. I know he was born in Fulford, York in 1826 (possibly because of an army connection as there were some barracks there). I believe John had two brothers, Robert, who was born in Ireland and William who changed the spelling of his surname to Addey and was my gg grandfather. William Addy Snr was described as Farrier major on Col John's marriage cert 25/03/1851.


malyon Report 30 Mar 2015 15:20

John Addy
United Kingdom, Merchant Navy Seamen Records
Name: John Addy
Event Type: Military Service
Event Year Range: 1853-1857
Event Place: United Kingdom
Birthplace: Yorkshire
Birth Year: 1826


malyon Report 30 Mar 2015 15:29

could be marriage

William Addey
mentioned in the record of William Addey and Mary Ann Sadler
Name: William Addey
Spouse's Name: Mary Ann Sadler
Event Date: 10 Apr 1825
Event Place: Holy Trinity Goodramgate With Saint John Delpike,York,York,England


ArgyllGran Report 30 Mar 2015 15:56

Unfortunately, if William was in the cavalry, as seems likely, he'll have moved around, so will be difficult to track, and could have been born anywhere.


ArgyllGran Report 30 Mar 2015 16:05

A VERY long shot - just because he's described as "Retired from Service".
I'm assuming that means military service.

William Addey

in the 1851 England Census
Name: William Addey
Age: 60
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1791
Relation: Head
Gender: Male
Where born: Epworth, Lincolnshire, England
Civil Parish: Kingston upon Hull St Mary
Town: Kingston upon Hull
County/Island: Yorkshire
Country: England
Street address:

Registration district: Hull
Sub-registration district: St Mary
ED, institution, or vessel: 4
Neighbors: View others on page
Household schedule number: 175
Piece: 2362
Folio: 455
Page Number: 41
Household Members:
Name Age
William Addey 60
Hannah Addey 55 - lodger


Maddie Report 30 Mar 2015 18:13

is this John in 1891, a retired Colonel

Name: John Addy
Age: 64
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1827
Relation: Head
Spouse's Name: Sarah Addy
Gender: Male
Where born: Fulford, Yorkshire, England
Civil Parish: Brighton
Ecclesiastical parish: St Martin
County/Island: Sussex
Country: England
Street address:


Condition as to marriage:


Employment status:

View image
Registration district: Brighton
Sub registration district: St Peter
ED, institution, or vessel: 33
Neighbors: View others on page
Piece: 809
Folio: 74
Page Number: 27
Household Members:
Name Age
John Addy 64
Clara Helen Addy 38
Ellen Stapley 54
Isabella Simonds 19
Sarah Addy 56
Walter Addy 29
Edith Jane Addy 22
Annie Josephine D


Rosemary Report 30 Mar 2015 19:23

Yes, that is Colonel John but the transcript is incorrect. I have a copy of the original. The only people living at 5 Roundhill, Brighton were John, his daughter Clara, his sister in law Ellen Stapley and a servant Isabella Simmonds. The remaining people lived at no 6 and their name was Smithers not Addy!

I am discounting William in the Hull Census. The record of a marriage between William Addey and Mary Ann Sadler is interesting and warrants more investigation. However I think it is unlikely as the first time the e appears is with William Jnr who married in 1851 in London to Ann Freeme.

Unfortunately there seem to be quite a lots of Addy's all named William, John or Robert especially some in Ireland.

Thank you anyway.