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Find My Past Military Look Up Please.. Thank you

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Slug & Lettuce

Slug & Lettuce Report 25 Mar 2015 18:35

I know I can register free for a trial, but I wanted to save this until I am on holiday and would be able to blitz as much info as I could from the freebie.
I have just spotted something and can't wait and I wondered if someone would kindly do a look up for me (if that is ok).

Smith John 1891 — 1914 British Army Service Records 1914-1920 Wigan, Lancashire, England

If there is anything you can tell me that would be great. I know very little of my Grandfather and if this is him, maybe I will know a bit more....

My Grandfather was born in Wigan 28 June, 1891 tracked him on the census and then via local records office until 1946 in the family home, then he disappeared from the electoral roll after then. No death in the local vicinity. The family stayed in the home, but mum would never say what happened to him, so I am trying to piece bits together., which is very difficult with the name John Smith! Thank you very much, I really do appreciate any help you can give me. <3


Kay???? Report 25 Mar 2015 19:02

His NOK was,

Mrs Alice Ann Smith--mother,32 William St.

He had a previous 4 years prior in the Scots Guards to re-enlisting in 1914 to the Lancs Boarder Reg,,but was discharged in 1915,he was a collier,

If you take the 14 day trial it will be better for you so you can read the papers for yourself so you know what they look like and how they are detailed,but the little above may confirm hes the right man.

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Slug & Lettuce

Slug & Lettuce Report 25 Mar 2015 19:06

Thank you, sadly not mine His mum was Mary Ann. Thank you so much for helping. I really appreciate you taking the time to look. Thanks again. x
When I do take the trial I will have another look, just in case..........