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i need information

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malyon Report 25 Mar 2015 12:49

please could someone explain that if someone is born in malta and marries there to a british man dose that mean they are a british subject my gt. grandmother was born it says in malta but i'm not so sure she was i cant find a birth for her in 1849/1850 her parents must have been from there as she could not speak much english thank you


Jacqueline Report 25 Mar 2015 13:08

The woman would become 'British by marriage'

As for not finding a probably wasn't registered.

Have you researched Civil registration in Malta to find out when it came into force, and whether or not it was compulsory?

I imagine that this is connected to your numerous threads about the woman in question and her family


Jacqueline Report 25 Mar 2015 13:11

one of the threads is....................

Included in the above is the following information, which you obviously did not take on board

I copy...........................

Have you actually tried Google?

Seems that civil registration started in 1863. Also remember that Malta suffered greatly during WW2, and much was destroyed by bombing.


malyon Report 25 Mar 2015 13:32

yes those are threads about rosina which i had lots of help just wanted to knoe about her being a british subject when she married thank you for your help