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Louis Christian Jensen

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David Report 24 Mar 2015 18:23

Still meeting a brick wall in my hunt for what happened to Louis Christian Jensen so hoping someone may be able to help... I understand that Louis Christian Jensen was born in the Copenhagen area of Denmark in 1868. He was a seaman. Father perhaps Soren Jensen and a brother called Theodore. Possibly a sister who was a well known singer or dancer?

Louis came to the north of England and in 1896 in Tyneside district he married Sarah Eleanor Jackson b. 1877 @ Southshields. They can be found in the 1901 census at 152 Campbell Street, South Shields.Name spelt Jenson. He is listed as a Danish subject and a merchant seaman. They have children Joseph L and Thomas Proctor.

Family history is that he was 'lost at sea' around 1911 but I have not been able to find his name in the press or listed on any maritine disaster records. We know that the family moved across to the Wallsend area seeking work. He must have been alive until around October 1910 as a further child, George Jensen, was born on 20 June 1911 and Louis is listed as the father on his birth certificate.

By the 1911 census taken on 2 April 1911 Ellen was living at Wallsend, Tynemouth and has given the family name as "Johnson" and is shown as head of household though she calls herself married not widowed? it has her down as married for 14 years.

Louis must have died or disappeared as Ellen married again in 1915 - to Andrew Whittle Sibbald.

Did he die at sea? Did he do a runner back to Denmark or even to the USA? Unfortunately Jensen is about the most common name in Denmark and I have no further information to help me other than a photograph of possibly Louis and his brother in Denmark with an amazing house in the background.

Any help would be very much appreciated.

Thanks :-D


Gritty Report 24 Mar 2015 19:03

Passenger Lists leaving UK 1890-1960 Transcription

First name(s) LOUIS C
Last name JENSON
Gender Male
Marital status M
Occupation LAB
Departure year 1901
Departure day 31
Departure month 10
Departure port LIVERPOOL
Destination port QUEBEC
Destination QUEBEC
Country CANADA
Destination country CANADA
Ship master's first name J W
Ship master's last name NUNAN
Shipping line ALLAN LINE
Ship destination port MONTREAL
Ship destination country CANADA


Gritty Report 24 Mar 2015 19:05

Perhaps he didn't die? When his wife remarried, is she listed as a widow on the marriage certificate?

New York City Passenger Lists, 1820-1957 Transcription

First name(s) Louis C
Last name Jensen
Sex Male
Age 66
Birth year 1873
Birth place Denmark
Arrival year 1939
Arrival city New York
Arrival state New York
Arrival country United States
Ship name Georgic
Film number 1758067
NARA roll number 6329
NARA publication number T715
Country United States


AnnCardiff Report 24 Mar 2015 19:21

you already have a thread on this - no idea why you've started another - I've brought the last one forward


MarieCeleste Report 24 Mar 2015 20:56

Here's a link to the previous thread:

It's much easier for us helping to have all of the information in one place. When you add to your previous thread it automatically comes to the front of the board so any fresh eyes will spot it, or those of us who helped originally may now have access to new records.


David Report 25 Mar 2015 13:49

Many thanks for sorting the threads out for me.
The real problem is that there are hundreds of louis Jensen's it's about the most common name in Denmark.
Don't think he sailed in 1901 as Gritty has posted as they had several children after this date and he is with Ellen on the 1901 census.
He was gone before George was born in 1911 but if the child was his as per the birth certificate he must have been around 9 months before!
Ellen has changed the name to the english version Johnson for the 1911 census and she is shown as head of house.
Presume she must have been a widow to marry again?
Will see if it shows on her marriage certificate to Her second husband.
Thanks all as ever
