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Hannah Waldron (aka Annie) b: Ireland 1835-1837

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Elaine Report 20 Mar 2015 20:16

Thanks for the replies and sorry all for not making it clearer in my post.

This is the family
Bernard Boyle Snr born Ireland abt 1831 died Hull 1898
Annie Boyle (Nee Waldron) born Ireland abt 1835 died Hull 1905.

John born 1853 Hull died 1890 Hull
Mary born Hull 1857 died 1939 Hull (my gt-grandmother)
Hugh 1859 Hull died 1939 Hull
Catherine 1861 Hull died 1892 Hull
Annie born 1865 Hull
Ellen 1866 Hull died 1934 Hull died 1937 Hull
Thomas1868 Hull died 1896 Hull
Bernard 1873 Hull died 1955 Hull

Mike - I had seen those records but dismissed them as they didnt match the children

Gritty - Yes, that is the family Bryan is Bernard

Joonie - yes, that matches what I have.

The 1871 census indexed them as Boyce.

I had assumed it was Mayo too, having looked at the original 1901 record it could be misread.

1881 census dwelling 47 Mill Street, Hull

1891 census place Registration District: Hull Sub-District: Myton Ecclesiastical Parish: St Stephens Parish: Holy Trinity And St Mary County: Yorkshire (East Riding)

Hope this is clearer


JoonieCloonie Report 20 Mar 2015 19:25

btw Mayo seems like a good bet

in the 1901 Irish census

there are 1361 Waldrons total
of whom 751 are in County Mayo


JoonieCloonie Report 20 Mar 2015 19:08

as I'm understanding it

Elaine's great-grandmother was a Boyle whose mother was 'Hannah Waldon' on the great-grandmother's birth certificate

so great-great-grandparents were Hannah (Ann, Annie) Wald(r)on and Bernard Boyle

but that isn't really clear from the opening post without pondering it :-)

and Elaine, it doesn't help to say names are mistranscribed without saying what they are mistranscribed *as* ... and where the people lived ...

so that everyone can look at the same information you have

I don't see the 'Maijo' transcription anywhere, at least not at Ancestry

is this the family in 1891 in Hull?

Bernard Boyle 60
Anne Boyle 54 (c1837)
Mary Boyle 26
Hugh Boyle 25
Catherine Boyle 24
Thomas Boyle 22
Bernard Boyle 18

Bernard Sr was deceased by 1905 (and his age is understated a few years too)

Deaths Sep 1898
Boyle Bernard 63 Hull 9d 172

and the children might simply not have known their mother's age (and not been very good at maths!)


Gritty Report 20 Mar 2015 18:36

Is this the family? Listed as Husband listed Bryan (Transciption & Original)??


Bryan Boyle Head - Male 40 1831 - Ireland
Annie Boyle Wife - Female 34 1837 - Ireland
John Boyle Son - Male 17 1854 - Yorkshire, England
Mary Boyle Daughter - Female 14 1857 - Yorkshire,
Hugh Boyle Son - Male 12 1859 - Yorkshire, England
Catherine Boyle Daughter - Female 8 1863 - Yorkshire, England
Annie Boyle Daughter - Female 6 1865 - Yorkshire, England
Eben (Ellen) Boyle Daughter - Female 4 1867 - Yorkshire, England
Thomas Boyle Son - Male 2 1869 - Yorkshire, England
Margaret Waldron Boarder - Female 18 1853 - Ireland
Thomas Waldron Boarder - Male 8 1863 - Yorkshire, England
Annie McNicholas Boarder - Female 14 1857 - Yorkshire, England

Street West Street Naylons Place
Parish Holy Trinity
Town Kingston upon Hull
City Kingston upon Hull
County Yorkshire, Yorkshire (East Riding)
Country England
Registration district Hull
Archive reference RG10
Piece number 4789
Folio 58
Page 15

EDIT: Is this the only connection to Waldron name, as I'm not seeing how this relates to Annie/ Hannah's maiden name?

Mike *

Mike * Report 20 Mar 2015 18:23


Address:57 Princes St

Benard Boyle 40
Ann Boyle 39
John Boyle 10
Margaret Boyle 7
Bernard Boyle 3
Catherine Finen 55

Mike *

Mike * Report 20 Mar 2015 18:22

Just for our reference.


Ann Boyle

Estimated Birth Year:abt 1831


Spouse's name :Barnard Boyle

Where born:Ireland

Registration district:Clyde
Civil Parish:Glasgow St Mary

30 Princess St

Barnard Boyle 32
Ann Boyle 30
Charles Fullarton 40
Helen Fullarton 37
Bridget Collins 14


Elaine Report 20 Mar 2015 18:15

Struggling with this one, on my Gt Grandmothers birth certificate she is Hannah Waldon, but in one census I find Waldron's residing with them, so assume her maiden name was Waldron.

The only death I can find is in 1905 in Hull but age at 59 (is about 10 years out), I have the census records from 1871-1901 (place of birth for Annie is transcribed as Maijo) and on them all she is Ann or Annie, I found no earlier census nor a marraige, I am assuming that she married in Ireland to Bernard Boyle (struggling with him also).

Surname and forenames have been mistranscribed for both of them in the census records which made them very hard to find. They lived in Hull and the first birth I find was John Boyle in 1853. I didnt find them on the 1861 census.

Any help would be much appreciated.

Thanks, Elaine.