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Thomas Thompson b.1853

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David Report 22 Jan 2015 14:52

I have a relative Thomas Thompson b.1853 who was married to Sarah Margaret Dickinson on 17 April 1881, which was a couple of weeks after the 1881 census. On the marriage certificate he puts his address as 31 West Street, Lees (Leesfield), Lancashire, England and his occupation as a cotton carder. His father John Thompson is a ships carpenter but I don't know if he was living at the time of the marriage.

I cannot find Thomas Thompson on the 1881 census or on earlier censuses using Ancestry. Can anyone please search the address in 1881 and let me know who was living there? Or if you can find anything else about him before 1881. on the next censuses he is born in Oldham or Maryport Cumbria or Liverpool. I most inclined to believe the Liverpool as he wrote it and because of his father's occupation.

His wife to be, Sarah Margaret Dickinson (nee Dransfield) is at the given address Lane Head, Lees but he isn't their either.

Thanking you in advance