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Russian/jewish names

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brigid Report 20 Feb 2016 15:09

During this research I've come across all sorts of variations of first names

couldn't identify George Jacob Fellman's family members as first name comes up quite differently in different records some had name alterations whenever they moved locations :
Latvia Manchester Birkenhead Boats + in USA

Father ; leizer-mendel Mendel Lazurus Samuel Soloman
or mendel -leiser

Mother ;Geiss -eida Gess -Ida ( Edith )

step mother Seina Selina sana Jane

brother Barnett Barus Bernd Bengamon Benjamin

sister Sora sarah sara celia

half -sis; khaya rebecca Tilly Tillie Matilda


brigid Report 19 Feb 2016 07:16

;Bengamin/Bernd Fellman died in 1906

his wife Lena never remarried and died in Connecticut

their daughter Tillie Fellman b.approx 1902 never married . d1982 Connecticut


brigid Report 9 Jul 2015 01:11

re patronyms sometimes they seem to be used as well as a double barrelled name

i think my ggfather George Jacob was originally Geshon-yankel Fellman

His patronym should have been leizer or mendel

Latvian records for his father come up as Leizer-mendel sometimes Mendel -leizer his patronym was Leib but only one docu has leize mendl leib fellman all in separate columns

On GB records he comes up sometimes as Lasarus Fellman sometimes as Samuel . or Sam F
On boat to USA he is Samuel L fellman
I've been told his grave says Solomon Fellman


brigid Report 6 Jul 2015 23:32

update ; I thought Taube Fellman became Tilly/ Matilda but think now Gritty may be right + the baby Taube who died in prestwich may be ours as it's the last quarter of 1891 + her sisters were enrolling in school in Oct 1891 so had made it to GB .

It was Khaya born 1890 who must have been called Matilda in Manchester records .

Am still looking for potential older siblings ;
Maybe Abraham. Nathan , Rachel .Isaac ? That have turned up in lancs o. w derby or scotland

what would their Russian/ Hebrew names be ?? so i can check Latvian records again .


brigid Report 2 Jan 2015 04:09

thanks for that useful clarification sappho ..I will continue to use the term middle name as it's more widely understood .they may have stopped following this tradition/convention /obligation once they left Russia or when they left GB


Ru Report 1 Jan 2015 16:18

Just to help your question on naming system - Russia.

As I understand it::

A patronym, or patronymic, is a component of a personal name based on the given name of one's father, grandfather or an even earlier male ancestor. A component of a name based on the name of one's mother or a female ancestor is a matronymic. Each is a means of conveying lineage. Patronymics are still in use, including mandatory use, in many places worldwide, although their use has largely been replaced by or transformed into patronymic surnames.

so for example Alexandra daughter of Mikhail (Michael)........ has the name Alexandra Mikhailovna - son would be Alexander Mikhailov.

Patronymics are required and are used instead of middle names in Russia.

Jewish naming system may be different, but if you google this you may find some helpful information.

Hope this helps.



brigid Report 30 Dec 2014 22:55

I managed to find 478 Myrtle Avenue in the 1905 New York state census ...

The residents were:

Bengeman Falman, 29, born in Russia
Lena Falman, 25, b. Russia
Matilda Falman, 2, b. New York

Benjamin may have died before 1910.
wife Lena and Matilda/Tillie Fellman lived with various members of her Ratner family. in later censuses

I think the transcription of 1910 census for Barnet Jacob fellman is misleading or mistranscribed I've not seen original image but think just because parents were born in Russia + came to USA in 1904 the enumerator may have assumed that Russia is where all the children were born except Samuel born NY

i have found evidence of Barius j fellman's son, Adolf being at manchester Jews school in late 1890's
Annie + Isreal Fellman in same school in 1903


Alisoun Report 30 Dec 2014 08:31

apparently there is a
Barnet Fellman is on brooklyn 1920 census district 4
married to Sarah
child Jacob
I've not seen this myself .


Alisoun Report 28 Dec 2014 13:24

watchmaker David Fellman aged 18 left liverpool +arrived jan1905 possibly heading for same address .. i can't read it tho its on philedelphia manifest

possible marriages for you to look into are May Feldman to moses Ginsberg 15th sep 1905

celia feldman to george devine16/06/1912 Kings NY

Besse A Feldman to Irving Bloch 10 nov 1910 kings


Alisoun Report 27 Dec 2014 23:37

I joined the ellis Island site ; lovely to see the original manifest
and learn they could all read and write but didn't have $50 to their names .i daughter Sarah dressmaker had $10 Samuel had $10.80 and wife sanna had $15
very poignent

I decided to look for brother Barnet ..i think it's him going out in march 1904 on Oceanic to stay with sister who'd paid his passage ..i think this must be the married May ibut i can't read her surname ,address looks like 192 brerun st .Brooklyn he only has 40 shillings in his pocket .


ArgyllGran Report 27 Dec 2014 21:14

Samuel and Sarah were also on this list, but their names are scored out:

New York, Passenger Lists, 1820-1957
about Samuel Feldman

Samuel Feldman

Arrival Date:
6 Apr 1905

Birth Date:
abt 1855



Ethnicity/ Nationality:

Port of Departure:
Liverpool, England

Port of Arrival:
New York, New York

Ship Name:


ArgyllGran Report 27 Dec 2014 21:06

Yes, that time they did actually travel.

New York, Passenger Lists, 1820-1957
about Samuel Feldman

Samuel Feldman

Arrival Date:
8 Mar 1905

Birth Date:
abt 1855



Ethnicity/ Nationality:

Port of Departure:
Liverpool, England

Port of Arrival:
New York, New York

Ship Name:

Samuel, age 50, a traveller; daughter Sarah, 17, dressmaker; wife Sanna, 36; daughters Tilly (11), Gerty (9), ad Esther (5). All Russian, all Hebrew. It says Samuel & Sarah had been in Liverpool for 14 years.
All going to 478 Myrtle Avenue, Brooklyn.


Alisoun Report 27 Dec 2014 17:22

i was told that Samuel Fellman travelled with his wife + children on the Oceanic 9th march 1905 last residence liverpool 14yrs to stay with Barnett Felman 478 Myrtle road
Gertz , Tilly +Esther are in NY in 1910 on a census as Gertrude Matilda + Lestraube ;
mother name becomes Jeanie ;elder sisters are \Bessie and Celia (sarah )

brigid has spent all pm in library linking this family thru russia .manchester + birkenhead her subs are due so i will post her results on my naturalization thread


ArgyllGran Report 27 Dec 2014 16:42

This will be the Sana you mention:

New York, Passenger Lists, 1820-1957 about Sana Feldman
Name: Sana Feldman
Arrival Date: 2 Apr 1905
Birth Date: abt 1869
Age: 36
Gender: Female
Ethnicity/ Nationality: Hebrew
Port of Departure: Liverpool, England
Port of Arrival: New York, New York
Ship Name: Celtic

Her name is scored out, so she didn't travel. Also her children Cilly (? Lilly ? Tilly?) aged 4; Girtz (?) aged 10; Esther aged 5.

If they had travelled, they would have been going to her son, Barnett Feldman, 473 (?) Myrtle Ave., Brooklyn.


Alisoun Report 27 Dec 2014 11:28

Mum's original research turned up a Mrs Jane Fellman in Gore's Directory of 1902
a dressmaker at 36 price street birkenhead
in Kelly's directory 1902 she is Mrs Senie Fellman dressmaker 36 Price street

by 1903 36 Price St is a painters

my notes say there was a Sana fellman aged about 36 on a ship to USA in 1905 ...but i didn't look into this at the time .


Alisoun Report 27 Dec 2014 06:25

In 1891 ; Mary Betsy and Sarah Fellman attending Manchester jews school
In 1898 Golda fellman b1893 attends same school ..could this be Gertrude who's aged 8 in 1901 census
there is also Rebecca Fellman b1891; if this is Tilly aged 10 in 1901 aka Khaya Fellman born in Russia why does she now use the same 1st name as her married sister who was 20 years older than her ??

I haven't got credits to look at the image records are new on here aren't they ??


Alisoun Report 27 Dec 2014 02:47

ps I don't think that sora is ours as she was born 1885 so would have been 20 in 1905


Alisoun Report 27 Dec 2014 02:42

I think Sheiner .Fellman was Jane Fellman of 36 price street in 1901
Taube was the child who's death is registered in manchester( zero may just mean age unknown ) The family may have come over at the end of 1891 to join father + eldest son who were in manchester for the census that year .
Khaya was called Tilly in the 1901 census
Mera is May ,Bassa =Bessie , Sora is Sarah on the same census
for some reason Leizer-Mendel is named Samuel L Fellman in this census but he is a draper +his younger childrens names correspond.
I've added it to my thread about "Naturalisation"


brigid Report 21 Oct 2014 16:44

Truly amazing alvigal ..we've found them .
N oB means not on board so they couldn't travel on 1st boats + later one I'm rushing now but will double check date
the variuos spellings + Sore R vs B was an easy misreading of handwriting / translation from yiddish


alviegal Report 21 Oct 2014 15:01

She appears to have managed to get to NY. From ellisisland.

Wolkowich, Russia YEAR OF BIRTH
101716130150 DATE OF ARRIVAL
November 9th, 1909 SHIP OF TRAVEL
Rotterdam, Holland

I think passage was paid by H S Winograd, brother in law.
Her nearest relative or friend in country she came from was Leiser Fellman, Porosowa.