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Charles Reginald Humphrey has vanished

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Blue Report 28 Nov 2013 11:27

I'm trying to find what happened to Charles Reginald Humphrey who has vanished sometime around 1906. Here is what I know about him.
He was born 1870 in Grafton Regis, Northamptonshire, the son of Samuel Humphrey and Elizabeth (unknown). He married Emma Laura Abbs on 11 Dec 1901 in Erpingham, Norfolk.and his occupation was a butler. Charles and Emma had a child Muriel Howard Humphrey born 13 Feb 1906 in Melcombe Regis, Dorset. A second child Joan Anna Humphrey was born 8 Nov 1912 in North Hammersmith London , and Charles occupation is a Domestic Valet - however family information suggests that Charles was not the father of Joan although he is on the birth record.
I've searched in vain on the 1911 census to find either Charles (on his own) or Emma with her daughter Muriel.
Muriel went on the marry Stuart Tennant Lyle and were the parents of my friend Howard Tennant Lyle born 01 Aug 1935 in Sutton Coldfield, West Midlands.
I'm wondering if Charles Reginald Humphrey left the country and was on any shipping lists around 1906 -1912.
I would also be interested in anything uncovered on the 1911 census
Thank you for your help