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+++DetEcTive+++ Report 11 Oct 2015 10:10

An explanation as my post seems out of order.

Peter had originally posted before mine & included an email address. Rather than edit, Peter decided to delete and repost. I believe he has also sent Laura a PM. ;-)


Peter Report 11 Oct 2015 03:15

For many years, without success, I have been trying to locate a Phyllis Waring who went to school in India during the late 1930s to early 1940s. Having googled her name yesterday, I came upon the website where you asked if anyone could help you with your particular search.
I wonder if you have had any luck? If so, I would be most grateful if you could let me know how, if possible, I could get in touch with her for old times sake, as we lost touch shortly after she moved to S.Africa.
Thank you.
Peter McNay


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 11 Oct 2015 00:56

Welcome to the Boards, Peter - As it's against the sites T&C to publish contact information, please edit your post to remove it. For one thing, it lays you open to unwanted spam + someone is likely to Report your post :-0

Try contacting Laura by clicking on her name and sending a message. If she is still using the same registered email address GR will let her know that you are trying to contact you.

You can check at any time to see if she has read your personal message (PM) by looking in your GR 'Sent Messages' box (top of the page, under Messages). Unread PMs have an envelope icon next to them. This disappears when its been accessed.

What ever you do, don't delete your account when your sub/trial is up, just allow it to lapse. One day, perhaps, someone else will come across this thread and know where Phyllis is.

Laura Jayne

Laura Jayne Report 12 May 2011 16:49

Thankyou. Haven't had chance to do it as am working call day today. And am on my mobile. Its a lot slower to a computer. Thank you again for everyones help. Much appreciated


JaneyCanuck Report 12 May 2011 01:40

Laura Jayne ... the very first thing to do at this site is use the Search Trees button up above to find names in other members' family trees.

Phyllis appears to be a member of this website with herself in her tree. (I checked the births index at Ancestry to get her year of birth, then did the search.)

She seems to have two separate trees under two different accounts. It would make sense to try contacting her via both accounts. One other person also has her in their tree.

When you send someone a private message, you can look in your "Sent messages" folder (in the drop-down "Messages" menu up at the top) to see whether they have read them. If the envelope beside the message you sent is still purple, this means it hasn't been read. Generally, the reason is that the person's email address in their account here is no longer valid so they did not receive the message.

You may have done this already, of course.

Oh, please don't type in all capitals, either subject lines or message body. It's very loud.

Laura Jayne

Laura Jayne Report 12 May 2011 00:06



AnnCardiff Report 11 May 2011 23:59

George Herbert Waring
England, Cheshire Parish Registers, 1538-2000

residence , Bebington, Cheshire, England
parents: Walter William Waring, Alice

record title: England, Cheshire Parish Registers, 1538-2000
name: George Herbert Waring
gender: Male
event type: Christening
christening date: 19 Nov 1884
christening place: Bebington, Cheshire, England
father's name: Walter William Waring
mother's name: Alice
principal's residence: , Bebington, Cheshire, England
digital folder number: 4019006


AnnCardiff Report 11 May 2011 23:57

Walter William Waring
England, Cheshire Parish Registers, 1538-2000

residence , Bebington, Cheshire, England
marriage 10 Nov 1883 —Bebington, Cheshire, England
parents: John Waring
spouse: Alice Reed

record title: England, Cheshire Parish Registers, 1538-2000
name: Walter William Waring
gender: Male
event type: Marriage
marriage date: 10 Nov 1883
marriage place: Bebington, Cheshire, England
father's name: John Waring
principal's residence: , Bebington, Cheshire, England
spouse's name: Alice Reed
spouse's residence: , Bebington, Cheshire, England
spouse's father: Samuel Reed
age: 23y
digital folder number: 4019006


AnnCardiff Report 11 May 2011 23:52

there are quite a few George Herbert Waring's born in the UK on the census - where and when was yours born?


AnnCardiff Report 11 May 2011 23:47

Highly unlikely that Phyllis or anyone who has knowledge of her will see this posting - suggest you use the Search Trees tab at the top of this page to see if there are any connections on this site.

If you require assistance with your tree give full names, locations and relevant dates of what you have so far

are we to assume CT is Cape Town?

Laura Jayne

Laura Jayne Report 11 May 2011 23:34

IF Phyllis or anyone who know Phyllis is reading this can you get in touch.Im doing the family tree, and Im a desendant of a waring. I am the Great Grandaughter of Walter Waring born 1910 to George herbert waring and lilian baxter. George Herbert is the Son of Alice Reed and Walter William.

Phyllis has to be living around or near C.T was born Wirral cheshire England