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Thomas Crouch b.1862 or was he?
Profile | Posted by | Options | Post Date |
BatMansDaughter | Report | 25 Mar 2011 19:33 |
1891 England Census |
David | Report | 25 Mar 2011 18:35 |
I am at the stage of brick walls and banging heads against! After 5 years of researching every Thomas Crouch (with name variations) born in England between 1858 and 1868 I strongly believe my paternal grandfather changed his name before he married. I have him on the C1911, C1901, and C1891 (living in Brumby and Ashby) and his death (1926) and marriage certificates (Frodingham 10Jul1889 to Mary Holdsworth - father same name witnesses Mary's family) with a birth age range of 1862-64. On one census he shows his birth place as London but on the other two as Buckinghamshire (no place). But where was he before 1889?? Perhaps he was illegitimate or in a workhouse or prison – but where and who were his parents? |