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Helen, Betty and Agnes ( Gaye) Hepburn

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Mary Report 7 Dec 2010 16:05

My cousins, Helen, Betty and Gaye emigrated over fifty years ago to Australia with their parents,from Scotland on a ship called " Largs Bay" to Australia. Their parents were my Auntie Lizzie and Uncle Peter. I know Auntie Lizzie passed away, I am also aware the three sisters all married. My Uncle Peter used to come over regularly to Scotland, and visit his brothers and sisters, he unfortunately passed away too several years ago.
It would be lovely to hear from any of them or any of their offspring.


Jane Report 7 Dec 2010 16:11

Try posting a message on

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it Report 7 Dec 2010 16:13

Have you looked on Search Trees to see if anyone has them listed


JaneyCanuck Report 7 Dec 2010 16:29

There's so much info missing from your post that it makes it difficult to do searches. Lizzie's proper name is Elizabeth? How about Betty's? When were Lizzie and Peter born?

If they emigrated over 50 years ago, and had 3 children at the time, Peter and Lizzie were presumably born at least 80 years ago.

HEPBURN Peter F 1912 M 1954 Southampton Australia Melbourne
HEPBURN Elizabeth 1911 F 1954 Southampton Australia Melbourne
HEPBURN Elizabeth 1939 F 1954 Southampton Australia Melbourne
HEPBURN Agnes 1936 F 1954 Southampton Australia Melbourne
? HEPBURN Mary 1946 F 1954 Southampton Australia Melbourne

index of obituaries in Australian newspapers.

Unfortunately, I don't see a death that matches with Peter's and Lizzie's names/ages.

As Shirley said -- Have you searched trees here at GR for anyone related? That really is the way to look for relations at this site. Only a tiny fraction of users read these boards.

There are people with the name Peter Hepburn in their tree, born in Scotland 1909 and 1913, for example: Glasgow and Fifeshire. Can't search for Lizzie without knowing her birth surname.

Someone has an Agnes Hepburn born 1936 Glasgow, and others have an Agnes Hepburn born 1935/1938, Turiff, Aberdeenshire.

It's certainly worth doing those searches.


alviegal Report 7 Dec 2010 16:31

You probably already have this. 14 Collinton Street, Port Dundas, Glasgow was their home address.

Passenger lists leaving UK 1890-1960
Name: Mr Peter F HEPBURN
Date of departure: 18 June 1954
Port of departure: Southampton
Destination port: Melbourne
Destination country: Australia
Date of Birth: 1912 (calculated from age)
Age: 42
Marital Status: Married
Sex: Male
Occupation: Labourer
Passenger recorded on: Page 9 of 13
The following people with the same last name travelled on this voyage: -
Miss Agnes HEPBURN 1936 (calculated from age)
Age: 18
Mrs Elizabeth HEPBURN 1911 (calculated from age)
Age: 43
Miss Elizabeth HEPBURN 1939 (calculated from age)
Age: 15
Miss Mary HEPBURN 1946 (calculated from age)
Age: 8
Official Number: 137225
Master's name: N S Milne
Steamship Line: Aberdeen & Commonwealth
Where bound: Australia
Square feet:
Registered tonnage: 14.361


JaneyCanuck Report 7 Dec 2010 17:10

That will be the records I posted (purely because if Mary had the information, she didn't give it, and it is info needed for searching -- ages and names).


Mary Report 8 Dec 2010 14:03

The info I have received is really brilliant, their home address in Glasgow sounds correct, I only knew it was in the Port Dundas area, my Uncle Peter b 1912, his wife Aunt Elizabeth ( Lizzie ), their three daughters Agnes, Elizabeth ( Betty) and although you have the youngest daughter's name as Mary, she may have had that as a middle name but I only knew her as Ellen, she was about my age. After they were there a few years my Aunt Elizabeth ( Lizzie ) died in Australia. I know their daughter eventually married, I know they sailed on the ship ' Largs Bay 'as I actually have an old picture postcard of the ship sent from them all those years ago. I've just had another look at the postcard and realized that the youngest daughter was not Helen but Ellen.
At one point they were all living in Victoria, and I realize that it's a very large area. I just don't know where to start my search. You have been wonderfully helpful thank you.


Mary Report 8 Dec 2010 14:05

Another thing has come to mind, I believe my Aunt Lizzie ( Elizabeth ) was from Ireland.


JaneyCanuck Report 8 Dec 2010 16:55

Mary, if you change your subject line to "Australia" it is more likely to catch the eye of people with access to records that might help. Remove the "(Gaye)" to make sure there's room.

Since no one who reads your post will actually know these people, their home address in Scotland, place of birth, etc., probably won't be much help.

The girls will have married in Australia during a period when records aren't accessible because of privacy laws, unfortunately. That's the big stumbling block.

Have you tried googling their names? It's possible one didn't marry, or they might have Facebook pages in their original names, that sort of thing.

Also, did you do the tree searches as suggested, and try contacting people who might have the right Hepburns in their trees?

daniel james

daniel james Report 8 Sep 2015 09:17

mary contact me, I am bettys (elizabeths') grandson

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it Report 8 Sep 2015 09:25


the thread is 5 years old and hasnt been added to till your post .

Its unlikely that the poster is still a member but you can try to make contact by clicking on their name and sending a message .

If their email address is till the same they will receive it and can then reply to you