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The Infirmary Friern Barnet any info please. + bur

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kidsnpets Report 20 Sep 2010 12:06

Good Morning

I am trying to find some information, on The Infirmary Friern Barnet U. D.
This is on my grandads Edmund Triggs death certificate who died in 1932 there.
I have googled it, and cant find much on it.
Dont know what the U D stands for.
Was it just a normal hospital?

many thanks


Barbara Report 20 Sep 2010 12:12

The UD stands for urban district

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it Report 20 Sep 2010 12:45

his cause of death may be a clue. There was an Aysylum in Friern which became Friern Hospital . Also many workhouses had Infimaries where people went who couldnt afford private care. this didnt mean they were Workhouse Inmates. Many workhouse Infirmaries became the local NHS Hospital when the NHS came into operation in the mid 1940.s


kidsnpets Report 21 Sep 2010 15:20

thanks for your reply, dont know if it was a Asylum when my great grandad was in there, he lived at Chalk Farm Road, Camden, so would have thought there were nearer hospitals.
Have googled it several times but cannot seem to find any info on the hospital.
Does anyone have access to ancestry as i would like to find out where he is buried if possible.

many thanks

Chris in Sussex

Chris in Sussex Report 21 Sep 2010 16:51

And put 'Friern Barnet' into the search box...Click on the first result and you will find a history of the workhouse and infirmary.



jolee Report 21 Sep 2010 16:54

Sorry but Ancestry does not cover this time, I think it's too recent. Have you tried Friern Barnet Library?


kidsnpets Report 21 Sep 2010 18:37

thanks for your replys, still not sure if The Infirmary Friern Barnet Hospital, and the Colney Hatch Lunatic Asylum are the same place or 2 different places.
this is a paragraph i copied and pasted from google.
It became known as the Colney Hatch Mental Hospital in 1918 until it was renamed Friern Mental Hospital in 1937, the name later changing simply to Friern Hospital in 1959.

as Edmund died in 1932 and his death cert says The Infirmary Friern, Barnet. U.D.

and the name changed in 1937. to Friern Mental Hospital.

many thanks
for all your help


Peter Report 21 Sep 2010 19:46

My name is Peter Cowley, I lived at New Southgte, North London. My Great Grandfather and my Grandmother both worked at Colney Hatch asyhlum which was later renamed Frien Barnet Hospital which was a hospital for elderly and mentally ill people. I did know the area quite well and it may be worthwhile checking cemetary details. The nearest cemetary was the Great North London Cemetary situated in Brunswick Park Road, London N.11
I hope this information will assist you
Kind Regards
Peter Cowley


Peter Report 21 Sep 2010 19:48

Hi again,]The U.D.refers to Urban District of Frien Barnet, this area is now administerd by teh Borough of Barnet.

Kind regards
Peter Cowley

Chris in Sussex

Chris in Sussex Report 21 Sep 2010 20:32

As to what and where records are kept....

Also confirms the names by which the hospital was known....

Present name: Friern Hospital
Previous name(s)
Colney Hatch Asylum (1851 - 1918)
Colney Hatch Mental Hospital (1918 - 1937)
Friern Mental Hospital (1937 - 1959)



kidsnpets Report 21 Sep 2010 21:17


Thanks very much for all your kind help and messages. I will look at all the options you have all given me.

But as between (1918 - 1937) it was called Colney Hatch Mental Hospital

and my great grandad died in 1932 with the address for his death as
The Infirmary Briern Barnet U.D

not sure if these are the same places.

many many thanks for all your help it is really appreciated.

kind regards

was plain ann now annielaurie

was plain ann now annielaurie Report 21 Sep 2010 22:02

I would agree - not necessarily the same place. Perhaps you could contact the local Archives for confirmation or look at a Directory of the period.


kidsnpets Report 23 Sep 2010 15:13

I have found my grandads burial place, Islington cemetry confirmed he is buried in St Pancras Cemetry, but sadly in a public grave with other people who werent his relatives, i find that sad even though i never knew him.
Dont understand why that was done, as he had several children at the time of his death.
Stil trying to find out if the hospital he died in was the Colney Hatch Lunatic Asylum but cannot seem to get anywhere with that.



LaineyLou Report 25 Jul 2015 10:01

Hi Bev,

You may have already found what you were looking for as this thread is quite old, but I've just found it today for similar reasons to you.

My great-great-grandmother, Harriett Cale, died in Friern Hospital in 1942 and I have found a few links to information about the hospital: (this talks about a fire at the hospital in 1903 - NB. Colney Hatch (Lunatic) Asylum was renamed Friern Hospital after this event and retained this name until it closed in 1993).

I see that your grandad was buried at St Pancras in a public grave - from my own family's history it appears that this was not uncommon even if someone was from a large family. A number of my relatives are in shared (non-relatives) graves but as I understand that they were all quite poor they probably wouldn't have had a choice as they may not have been able to afford a private grave. Like you, I have found this discovery quite upsetting, and having visited the cemetery to find that in these cases there isn't even a headstone now (if ever) it's terribly sad.

A good site for information about cemeteries and burials is at - you have to register and pay to view the records but there is an option to view burial scans which can tell you about funerals and so on. I have found it useful for a few bits of information that I had struggled to find elsewhere.

Anyway, I hope this may help a bit, even if it's a few years after you posted your question!

Best wishes, Elaine


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 25 Jul 2015 11:50

Elaine - you could send Bev a message by clicking on her board name - if she is still using the same registered email address, she'll receive notification. She doesn't need to subscribe to send a reply