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Renes Report 7 Nov 2010 22:23


I am still watching the Essex program

Can't work it out - it is weird

How did HID get on last night - did you get any goodies


LadyKira Report 7 Nov 2010 22:24

Sorry Sylvia but do you mean glaucoma?
That is not usually life threatening though.
I am a little puzzled.


SylviaInCanada Report 7 Nov 2010 22:28


he said Glioma

I think it is a tumour of the brain


from Wikipedia

glioma is a type of tumor that starts in the brain or spine. It is called a glioma because it arises from glial cells. The most common site of gliomas is the brain



LadyKira Report 7 Nov 2010 22:29

Oh Sylvia I see you did not. How awful.


Renes Report 7 Nov 2010 22:31

So sorry Sylvia - what a horrible tumor - I also looked it up in Wikepedia

How dreadful for her


SylviaInCanada Report 7 Nov 2010 22:32

they were so happy!

I remember her husband of course from uni ....... even though they broke up before we graduated.


SylviaInCanada Report 7 Nov 2010 22:33


any suggestions on what to say???



jax Report 7 Nov 2010 22:33

What I can make out Renes if its damaged or out of date it has to go in the bin.
Said it was tiring but he has not done much in the last few months. They left him on his own on the wine and spirits...that was rubbing salt into his wound

Sorry to hear about your friend sylv, I would'nt know what to say either.



SylviaInCanada Report 7 Nov 2010 22:34

off for a while

friends have come over from Vancovuer Island to see OH in the opera, and then they are coming here, after which we're going out for dinner.

so I have to do something about getting ready to have visitors after not vacuuming or dusting for about 5 weeks!

will be back



WayneTracey Report 7 Nov 2010 22:44

Good evening everyone...

How are we all.... seems like very few of us have had a good day today :(

T x


JaneyCanuck Report 7 Nov 2010 22:49

My first reaction was like LK's -- glaucoma / legally blind -- then the imminent death. I have glaucoma. I was a little distressed by this idea! So I googled. I'm fortunate indeed not to have glioma, and your friend is very unfortunate, Sylvia.

All the situations in which: what does one say?

Things along the line of best wishes and thinking of you, when she doesn't even know the prognosis, seem like what one is stuck with.

Some gorgeous generic thinking-of-you real-life greeting cards would come to my mind, along with real letters of course. Reminiscences and family-type chit chat and such.

I'm a little too young to be facing friends' deaths just yet. One of our crowd from the hippie mansion died 12 years or so ago, heart disease in his 40s just like his dad, but so far that's the only one I've ever heard of, of school friends and so on. It's going to be a life change when it starts happening.


LadyKira Report 7 Nov 2010 23:02

Are you sorted now Trace?


FannyByGaslight Report 7 Nov 2010 23:08

I have already lost too many,friends and family,all at young ages other than grandparents,and there is nothing you can say to make things better ,except maybe to say that you are there to listen and that you are and will be thinking of them both.

There truly are some ejits on here.
I have just had a pm from someone to tell me they have found the maiden name of someone that I GAVE them yesterday when I posted a marriage for them.
I advised that they get the marriage cert to verify fathers name but I put my money on it being John,so they also tell me I was right as his name is john on census found for family.
My reply to that was ,,,my,you got that marriage cert back quickly,mine normally take a week and never have I had one on a sunday..!
I give up !


WayneTracey Report 7 Nov 2010 23:40


Sorted i am...made sense of it all i haven't :(

Tomorrow is another day...!!

T x


WayneTracey Report 7 Nov 2010 23:41

Hahaha FBG

Every marriage cert coming with free census reports now?

T x


FannyByGaslight Report 7 Nov 2010 23:50

I wish.
Have a good night those of you still up.


SylviaInCanada Report 8 Nov 2010 00:01

sleep well Fans

I was about 17 when the first person of my age died ............ a guy 2 years ahead of me in school, left in July, went to uni, died the following spring at the age of 19. He got a cut on his hand or arm, then developed septicaemia

In fact, I think most of the guys I knew from that year are now dead :(((

We were in our mid 30s when the first colleague of about OH's age died ...... we were on sabbatical in Australia when we got the phone call to tell us about it. He had a major stroke, age about 40 ............. turned out he'd had a number of those mini strokes, but no-one had realised.

I'm going to think about a chatty email ... we had been planning on going to OZ next year, about September, and planned on going to see these people along with 2 other couples who live in the same town. She knew all about these plans of course

We had been thinking over the last few weeks of actually not going ...... the main reason was to attend a major conference in Melbourne, OH has lost interest in the programme ................ and we are spending most of our money these days going back and forth to NS



LadyKira Report 8 Nov 2010 00:09

I had a close friend in primary school who progressively went blind and deaf. She had to go to a special school and died before she was 15.


JaneyCanuck Report 8 Nov 2010 04:26

Ah, well, the ones who died young. Someone I, er, knew briefly in my first year law class was killed on his motorcycle the following year. Someone younger than me from public school was killed on his motor scooter a few years earlier, dragged by a bus.

My brother (whose year he was in) reminded me of this when I was contemplating getting a scooter when I was in my 30s and just didn't want a car. I ended up getting a car because I had to have wheels, for getting around to courts and such.

The scooter death was one of the things that persuaded my brother to give up his own motorcycle. Some years later, my little sister and her partner wiped out on his while touring Manitoulin Island and had some rather serious injuries -- and he was a fully qualified motorcycle mechanic working in the trade (did a long training course in Daytona with a manufacturer).

Too bad the world isn't made for scooters and bikes, but it just isn't.


SylviaInCanada Report 8 Nov 2010 06:24

Had a lovely meal with our friends .... she's the one who had the 80th birthday party 3 or 4 weeks ago. We have such fun together!
