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Gee Report 6 Nov 2010 19:56




jax Report 6 Nov 2010 20:02

Its good you can choose your own name, but sometimes I wish you had to have a number or something so you know its not the same person.
I hated Jacqueline so changed to Jacqui but there were too many



FannyByGaslight Report 6 Nov 2010 20:05

Just changed my boardname Gins.
I was asking Ja...x if she saw what I was trying to explain,I hate explaining how to do stuff as I am c##p at explanations..

Going to sulk now cos no one said they got my explanation of the ..


jax Report 6 Nov 2010 20:10

I think I got your explanation but I dont have that problem because I dont click on foreign things



Gee Report 6 Nov 2010 20:10

Good oh...I thought we had some nutter on here....

....oh, yes we do


Cynthia Report 6 Nov 2010 20:14

Lots of nutters on here!

Fans, I knew what you were talking about because it's been brought up before. I have used the za site - can't remember when. I think you simply scroll to the bottom of the page and click on the SA flag. It's all the same thing except I don't think they have as many adverts as we do. Sylvs or Janey can probably give a better explantion than me.


FannyByGaslight Report 6 Nov 2010 20:19

Still sulking..I is not a nutter,fruitcake maybe,but not a nutter..#


Cynthia Report 6 Nov 2010 20:30

but you're a very nice nutter...........pats hand consolingly.

Now stop sulking do.

Or you'll get a slap!


Dea Report 6 Nov 2010 20:45

Stop 'patting her hand' Cynths and just give her a slap across the chops!! - That wil make her sit up and take notice!!

You have to be cruel to be kind !!!

She will thank you for it tomorrow!

Dea Xxx


Dea Report 6 Nov 2010 20:47

Here Fans !! - It's bonfire night party still - I have a sparkler - take a light from it for your 'fag'!! .. - deep breaths !! - You will feel better soon.

Dea Xxx


SylviaInCanada Report 6 Nov 2010 20:49

Hi all

where are these aunt and niece postings being posted?

OH has gone to the Garden to collect Quince .......we make jelly from it, but that's a bit difficult when you have no kitchen sink

so he's planning that we / he will boil them up this afternoon, then drip the juice overnight ...... and put it into a container and into the freezer until we can make the jelly!



jax Report 6 Nov 2010 20:52

These ones are called susan and Laura probably on page 2 now Sylv


Heard of quince is'nt it in some nursery rhyme


Cynthia Report 6 Nov 2010 21:01

oooooer.......your meds have kicked in with a vengeance Dea........anyway, I daren't do what you suggest......cos her teef will fall out!



FannyByGaslight Report 6 Nov 2010 21:16



LadyKira Report 6 Nov 2010 22:37

I am back.
I was working today then went to Dartford fireworks with grand daughter.
She has learnt to enjoy them this year.

A guy turned up 30 minutes late for a 45 minute appointment with no apology and was upset we could not see him. No phone call, no apology or anything.
It took half an hour of convincing that he was too late.


JaneyCanuck Report 6 Nov 2010 23:42

A-M from pages back (I'm still there):

"About posting census info - I'll sometimes post a census just to get my bearings as to who's in the family and where they were - do you think that's OK?"

That's been long practice here, from before my arrival. Nobody asking ever does it, although some burble it out in narrative form. We're so used to seeing it in c&p form, it has always been practice to say "for ref" and then stick it in to start off.

Half the time, comes the reply "I have that already".

To which the correct answer is: "That's nice. Nobody else did. And you didn't offer it. So I did."

And of course I agree about posting things e.g. from FreeBMD that people can and should find themselves. I've started being a little more verbose about that: *We* are not going to put that info here for you, because (a) it would spoil your fun, and (b) you need to make friends with FreeBMD anway.


JaneyCanuck Report 6 Nov 2010 23:55

A-M: "And why do I sometimes get on the end of the URL."

Because every link FBG posts is from that portal, drives me nuts; I paste one of her links up top and hit enter, and I'm being asked to sign in, and I sigh, and change the url to .uk and hit enter again and I'm back where I want to be.

Click on JaneyCanuck. To whom are you sending a message then? Janey Canuck. Ha. If you believe that ...

You have to go into your account details and eliminate every vestige of your real name -- first name, birth surname and current surname. Your birth surname, if different from current surname, will show up in the contacts list of anybody you PM. This is a large amount of personal info to be giving out to anybody and its dog.

This is my next campaign with the new owners. This place not only discloses people's personal info, but lies about it and says it doesn't (e.g. that you're hiding your real name with a username, as FBG notes, and also when it says that people who search trees won't see your full name -- not unless they click to send you a message they won't, anyhow).

The other thing is that people think they're "hiding living people" in their trees -- and don't seem to realize that although people looking at their tree can't see them, anybody who searches trees for a name will find it.

Plain illegal, at least some of it.


jax Report 7 Nov 2010 00:00

I did wonder why some links wanted me to sign in again, now I realise they were always FBGs.
Shall ignore them in the future then until she starts using an English one lol



SylviaInCanada Report 7 Nov 2010 00:17

re posting a census when beginning a search

I usually post something like "for reference purposes",

and quite often add soemthing like "and to help me and other helpers get my / our head(s) around your family. Is this your family in xxxx"

still get told "I have that" ... so it's not foolproof!

A-M ........... in other words, it is perfectly OK to do, we all need to have that information at our fingertips, so you posting it saves me posting it!

I also try to make sure that I post the information for every member of the household

......... it's amazing what being able to look up a sibling can do to solve a problem, yet most askers don't give that sibling information!



FannyByGaslight Report 7 Nov 2010 00:34

Just do what Janey said to do and you will be fine with my URLS,but if you dont want to look,then miss all the fun,I dont care..;~~~v
