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FannyByGaslight Report 1 Nov 2010 20:11

The wonders of Google Renes ..

Sweet butter is the same as unsalted butter; it's called sweet because there is no salt to mask the lactose sugar flavor of the milk solids in the butter.

YUK...I like salted butter,but it sounds right up your street Renes..


Cynthia Report 1 Nov 2010 20:15

I just like butter....full stop.


MarieCeleste Report 1 Nov 2010 20:19

Sorry for butt(er)ing in!

What's happened to the "only dead people" thread? I was just putting my happorth in when it disappeared?

** just changed no to only!


SylviaInCanada Report 1 Nov 2010 20:25

that sounds an interesting thread!

what did I miss???



MarieCeleste Report 1 Nov 2010 20:28

Sylvia, someone who has been helping on here recently has been telling people who are trying to find living people that they can't and the site is "only for dead people".

She then started a thread basically telling everyone that it was "against the rules" to ask for info on living people. Quite a few had replied saying why it was valid to ask, I tried to post my own response but the thread must have been deleted.


FannyByGaslight Report 1 Nov 2010 20:30

It has been deleted.
I had put a post on it and just now read a post added after mine by someone I had helped a little off the boards (not Nicky) and now it is Whooshed.
Dawn must have thought better of it I guess.
Spect it was JCs post on it that helped to whoosh it really...


JaneyCanuck Report 1 Nov 2010 20:31

Someone had the wrong end of the stick about living-people searches: that we must not do them. I said we must not post their info on the boards, and should "go private". FBG pitched a snooty fit.

FBG ... you lost the race to the 00 ... sigh. Local anaesthetic of the brain?

Irene, you could indeed do it the way you say. I wasn't quite sure how the YP batter would perform with things mixed into it. ;)

When I've made toad-in-the-hole, the twice I've done it, with thick diagonal slices of chubby Oktoberfest sausages, I've proceeded to slather it with mustard and sliced raw sweet onion and munch it like a sausage on a bun. ;)


Renes Report 1 Nov 2010 20:32

So is that just common or garden unsalted butter

 Actually - I cannot taste the salt they add to ordinary butter - probably as I have only ever  eaten butter -(  Mum would not give us margarine - if she could not afford butter / or we did not have any - we had our sandwich without butter on the bread  )

 I cannot remember when the unsalted butter was first put on sale in shops - but think it was relatively recent 

So I eat any butter -

But live my Lurpak - which I can only have in Uk


JaneyCanuck Report 1 Nov 2010 20:32

Oh, right, it was my nicey nicey post that she took exception to! Not your nassy nassy one, nooooo.


FannyByGaslight Report 1 Nov 2010 20:32


FannyByGaslight Report 1 Nov 2010 20:35

I was NOT nasty,I am never nasty,not on here anyways....
I just stated I did not like being told in a round about way that I could not help people to find their living rellies.

Nasty ?ME?


Cynthia Report 1 Nov 2010 20:35

Brain? what brain?


JaneyCanuck Report 1 Nov 2010 20:35

I usually say "unsalted butter". I thought maybe foreigners said sweet butter. ;) Maybe that's yankee-ese.

I don't use salt in cooking, except the odd thing, and just add a bit when eating to starches like pasta and potatoes mainly. I'm quite sensitive to the taste now, and I find salted butter and margarine just too salty (No.1 eats olive-oil Becel, or the no-name equivalent, clever called Celeb, with salt).

He goes through 3 tubs for my one. I never put margarine or butter on sandwiches, which we don't eat a lot (not nearly enough for my taste, I love 'em!) anyway. Except chicken/turkey and chicken/turkey salad sandwiches, which just cry out for butter, but usually settle for marg.


SylviaInCanada Report 1 Nov 2010 20:36

thanks A-M

Fans ..... throw a hissy fit???????????/





Nicky Report 1 Nov 2010 20:38

I also read on here you can only look up dead people!!!!!

Glad you liked my little letter of praise for you!!!!
I'll cash the cheque tomorrow!!!!!

I did some of my own detective work on an old school pal last seen 30 yrs ago. Got an address and phone no, rang Godmother, who gave me a number of another old member of family. Was told, Nah, we don't keep in touch. But Babs (my missing friend) worked for Cunard as a hairdresser.
I promptly googled name and hairdresser and cunard and got an e mail address........................
i sent off an e mail yes and got a replt today!!!!!

It's my long lost friend Babs!!!!!!

See, Fangs, I can dio it hahahahahahahah xxxxxx


SylviaInCanada Report 1 Nov 2010 20:40

I have not had butter or margarine on sandwiches for many many years

my sis-i-l used to say "why put grease on bread? Things taste much better without it"

we tried it a couple of times ....... and sure enough the sandwich ingredients do have heightened flavour!

OH cannot get out of the habit of putting "grease" on boiled potatoes

..... if we don't have gravy (which we never do have when it's only the 2 of us as I don't eat that either), he uses Imperial margarine


JaneyCanuck Report 1 Nov 2010 20:42

It's the posting of *personal details* that is a no-no.

Things like a recent one: my father divorced his first wife Mary Smith née Jones for abandonment, blah blah. Who cares about such very intimate details? We don't need to know they were divorced even, let alone why, because the question wasn't about her!

And the ones where the research shows the parents of people who are now living (and have no clue their family is being discussed on the internet) weren't married, or all sorts of other things like that. Even just birth and marriage records of living people -- I don't want strangers posting *my* personal records on the internet without asking or even telling me, so I assume nobody else does either. ;)


FannyByGaslight Report 1 Nov 2010 20:44

Well done and thank Evans you can now cycle unaided Nicky and I can take the stabilisers off,I was getting worn out running along side....whew...wipes brow..;)

And I agree about the "too much detail"that is irrelevant JC.


LadyKira Report 1 Nov 2010 20:46

My what a busy lot you have all been today.

Takes me all evening to read it.

Try toad in the whole with onions and left over beef shredded.

Spreads the meat a bit further.

The cake was totally my daughters creation.

Now there is no room in the fridge.

I have one on success board but he did not mention my name.

May I borrow the poliss Fans.


Nicky Report 1 Nov 2010 20:46

cheeky madam!