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JaneyCanuck Report 1 Nov 2010 18:57

home stretch


JaneyCanuck Report 1 Nov 2010 18:57



JaneyCanuck Report 1 Nov 2010 18:57



JaneyCanuck Report 1 Nov 2010 18:57


Well I was going to say "who's keeping count?"

but that last puff dunnit!


FannyByGaslight Report 1 Nov 2010 18:59

Just wait til I get back from Emmerdale...!


JaneyCanuck Report 1 Nov 2010 19:15

Well, I just dropped by because my belly is rumbling and thoughts of food are uppermost in my mind, and I thought I'd volunteer to do breakfast tomorrow.

Of course, you will all have to be up bright and early, possibly even dark and early. Because in addition to the time difference, we now have you on standard time and me on daylight time, so you're only 4 hours ahead for this week.

So I'll be up late slaving away over a hot stove -- actually a good thing with the weather here (1C last night for Hallowe'en, about 34F).

I will pop this in the oven at 2 a.m. EDT and somebody will have to be on duty 30 minutes later, at 6:30 a.m. GMT to take it out when it's ready. Actually, at 6:15 a.m., to turn the heat down from 400 to 350.

I made this for dinner a few nights ago and it was absolutely scrumptious. A slightly more nutricious version of toad in the hole. It is:

- prepare the dish as for Yorkshire pudding -- fat (mine is canola oil) in a glass baking dish, heated up hot in the oven first
- sliced ham (medium-sliced, maple-cured -- yes, I'll make a ham-less version too) lining the bottom of the plate,
- with a layer of sliced tomatoes on top of the ham,
- all covered with a couple of handfuls of grated Gouda,
- baked in a Yorkshire pudding (batter poured into the large glass baking dish, on top of the above).

It was fabulous. But you have hours to go before it will be ready, so try not to drool too much in the meantime.


Dea Report 1 Nov 2010 19:24

That sounds 'very interesting' Janey but somewhat 'strange' compared to what I am used to cooking.

What sort of ham? - Raw, cooked, boiled, baked, 'thinly sliced' - I just can't 'picture it' ??

I would like to try it though.

Dea x

EDIT - OOhhh Janey - you added some more details about the ham while I was typing!!

Dea x


FannyByGaslight Report 1 Nov 2010 19:32

Flaming woman.
We dont see her from one week to the next and then ...wham....Comes in and nicks me numbers,then goes on about ham,tomatoes and cheese in the hole for BREAKFAST??

I worry about her you know....


Cynthia Report 1 Nov 2010 19:32

Like it Janey. May make myself a mini version as my lot can't eat cheese!

Drool? Don't talk about drooling - it's all Fans has been doing since she had that wretched toothache. Mind you, getting her name on the Success board has mitigated the pain somewhat.

By the way, you shouldn't be running at your age!


JaneyCanuck Report 1 Nov 2010 19:33

I edited about the ham. ;)

I buy small packaged hams, and slice them up about 1/4 inch thick and freeze them in packages of two slices, for a short time, and use them for various things. Like jazzing up Saturday breakfast egg salad sandwiches: egg and ham. Or chopping small and making penne with ham, mushrooms, spinach, red peppers, onion and cheese sauce, or in a quiche with the same ingredients. (Mushrooms, frozen spinach, red peppers and onions are the staples of my cuisine. ;) )

Twice in a row now -- once myself, and once No.1 on my instructions because I failed to read the small print on the sale flyer when I made up his list -- we've ended up with maply flavoured ham. I hate maple, and in any case it doesn't work really well in pasta and cheese sauce. So I was looking for things to do with it.

So I had the 1/4 inch slices, and just kind of sliced them up thinner as best I could, so they varied in thickness and size, and layered them around the bottom of the glass baking dish. You could just use any ham you have around or that takes your eye, I'd say! Or heck, salmon or suchlike, if it caught your fancy.

My Yorkshire pudding, in a 9x13 dish, usually puffs and browns unevenly, as it should. I cooked this one long enough to make sure it was quite done, and it was pretty much evenly puffed up and firm, maybe because the cheese weighted it down and thickened it a bit.

I can't guarantee it will work for anybody else ... and we'll just have to cross our fingers it works for me again and you get something nice for dinner -- oops, Imean breakfast! -- and not a kitchen flop. ;)


JaneyCanuck Report 1 Nov 2010 19:37

Oh aargh, talking of cheese, Sylvia can't eat dairy. But that means she can't eat the thing anyhow, because the YP has milk in it, of course.

Okay, I'll leave the spare sliced ham and tomatoes in the fridge with a lovely round crusty soft sourdough loaf and a slab of sweet butter and mustard, and when Sylvia finally shows up she can rip it apart and have herself a yummy sandwich.


Dea Report 1 Nov 2010 19:38

Well, It does sound 'worth a try' but I really can't imagine the result as the method and combination of ingredients is quite alien to me!!

I will certainly try it and let you know !!

Dea x


SylviaInCanada Report 1 Nov 2010 19:43

I'm drooling at the sound of that ham-in-a-hole

sob, sob

but thank you so much for the extra ham, tomatoes and sourdough.

I'll make myself a lovely sandwich (minus the butter!) ........... and watch the rest of you without envy!!



JaneyCanuck Report 1 Nov 2010 19:45

Oh, lordy, I can't do right for doing wrong!

You will also find the salt-free Becel by the butter, Sylvia. Actually, you'd have had to rummage in the freezer to find the butter anyhow, so that makes it easier. ;)


FannyByGaslight Report 1 Nov 2010 19:45

Cough cough.
Butter is made from cream?
Even Sweet butter is...


JaneyCanuck Report 1 Nov 2010 19:53

Catch up now, FBG. We've moved on from butter.

Oh, that's right, you didn't catch up. You lost!! to a rank amateur.


SylviaInCanada Report 1 Nov 2010 19:55


at least you haven't asked if I can eat eggs!

and I too have butter in the freezer, just in case someone wants it!



Renes Report 1 Nov 2010 20:01


Please - Leave me a sour dough roll - and butter ham and toms - I will have roll with Sylvia

Don't like cooked tomato - thank you

Why don't you just cut ham into chunks - and add cheese and ham - with some mustard and onions to batter mix - ham won't dry up so much as being at bottom of pie dish


FannyByGaslight Report 1 Nov 2010 20:01

JaneyCanuck Today at 19:53 Request review
Catch up now, FBG. We've moved on from butter.

Oh, that's right, you didn't catch up. You lost!! to a rank amateur.

???????? You lost me there Sweetpea..


Renes Report 1 Nov 2010 20:04

What is " sweet butter

Hopefully not butter with sugar added