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FannyByGaslight Report 27 Oct 2010 13:36

Thank you all for saying to phone back re giving them grief and seeing me qiuck march.
No go,NOTHING available til next weds..very sorry..Goodbye..

Of to see my local drug dealer (when I find out who it is !)for hardcore painkillers...



TootyFruity Report 27 Oct 2010 13:43

Then as it next Wednesday, as long as you are not allergic to aspirin type painkillers Ibruprofen is a good anti inflammatory which is good for toothache. But do ring the dentists everyday and ask if there is any cancellations or if they get any to give you a call.


FannyByGaslight Report 27 Oct 2010 13:48

Sorry Toots,cant take Ibruprofen cos it affects my Asthma,and all I need right now is a full blown Asthma attack..
Pretty much of a wreck all round at the moment I am..:)
Thank you all for your concern but I will soldier on being the brave girl I am...
Getting HID to take me to buy that paint for Postman to paint the garage now..
No I didnt get there yesterday either!
I ~'#''# will today...


Renes Report 27 Oct 2010 13:49

hactually - I said

dont telephone the dentist -

You could telephone doctors and ask what is the best pain killer - they may have a better solution on subscription which could be picked up a reception


jax Report 27 Oct 2010 13:56

I dont do dentists next time I go it will be to have a new set I would think.
As I said yesterday one application of oil of cloves does the trick.
HID is not starting his job till next week Gins



FannyByGaslight Report 27 Oct 2010 13:57

Have raided HIDs box of goodies that he has for when his leg is OTT with pain...

I now will prob fly to get paint,lucky HID is well and he is driving.



Dea Report 27 Oct 2010 13:58

Sorry Fans,

I obviously hadn't realised just how lucky I am.

I see the difficulty of your situation now.

Would the dentist not consider writing you a prescription for some antibiotics which could be collected from the surgery - just to get things under control until he could see you?

If not, then the painkillers are your only real course of action - DO take the salt rinses seriously though - several times a day. If there is an infection there this helps to draw it out.

It is not 'an old wives tale' but something recommended by dentists.!!

Don't take the Whiskey, especially with all the painkillers - I did this with brandy once, many years ago - It worked to a certain extent only in that I could't remember anything the next day as I was still 'drunk'. The pain was still there and the rest of me didn't feel too good either!

I do hope you get it sorted.

Dea x

P.S. - As Jax says, the oil of cloves does help too.

Dea x


Gee Report 27 Oct 2010 16:21

Fanny pants....hows the fangs????


Dea Report 27 Oct 2010 16:23

Awww Ginns,

You know you care really !!!

Dea x


Cynthia Report 27 Oct 2010 16:46

Oh dear.........poor old Fans, she's really in the wars isn't she - an age thing too perhaps? The cloves and the salt wash sound like a good thing to try.

Ended up with daughter at a garden centre but am quite pleased because I got some prezzies for folk for Christmas.

My heart sinks at the thought that it is only a few weeks away. On the one hand, in an ideal world, I would love Christmas but then reality steps in and I can't wait till it's all over. It's not the commercialisation so much (but that does get to me), it's the fact that my daughter finds it all so hard to handle and it can get a bit ..........shall we say....rough!

Right, a quick go on TTF before the meal.


FannyByGaslight Report 27 Oct 2010 16:50

Ready to bite you with Gins.
High as a kite,but the pain has eased off,HID has all sorts in his box of tricks,must be extreme for me to have raided it,trouble is they give me verbal Dia..Diea ...Umm make me talk a lot,,,so whats new...
Got a Drs appointment on Friday eve,will bludgeon him for Biotics then...


LadyKira Report 27 Oct 2010 16:58

Just a quck drop in during my break.

Just got this message

Dear Christine Small,

Please would you give me access to view your tree?

Best Regards,

Unknown Unknown

When I open the tree it is all hidden so have not a clue what that is about.

Poor Fans. Sounds nasty.


jax Report 27 Oct 2010 16:58

So have you not popped into the chemist and got some oil of cloves yet Fans?



FannyByGaslight Report 27 Oct 2010 17:06

Yis I has Ja...x
Will be doing it after dinner,dont want the taste in me gob before then.
Yis Dea,I is also doing things with salt water..

Rinse Rinse and....>SPIT...

Feeding time.



Dea Report 27 Oct 2010 17:11

Seriously Fans,

Just be careful !! - I don't know what painkillers you are taking of your husbands but if you are not used to them - take care !!

Paracetamol is VERY dangerous if you 'overdose' - It causes liver failure and can be 'irreversable'.

Other pain killers have their problems too. - the problem is that if you are in severe pain you lose track of what you have taken.

My latest 'problem' was trigeminal neuralgia and after a 5 hour episode of intense pain, I ended up in 'Casualty'.

My husband had to 'keep' the VERY strong tablets they gave me to control it as, quite honestly, I didn't know what I was doing' !!

(Google it - it is called the 'suicide disease' as the pain is SSSooo intense')

Very bad toothache, especially if caused by an abcess, can be 'sort of similar' so make sure you are not taking too much !!

Take care,

Dea x


Gee Report 27 Oct 2010 17:15

Fan...get HID to go get you the whisky that Jonesey sugested earlier....

It will ease the pain and help you sleep

{{{{{{Big hug}}}}}}}

Yak...spalt...gimme that whisky


FannyByGaslight Report 27 Oct 2010 17:16

Dea sweetie,thank you for your concern,but I am not taking too much of anything,I felt I was overdoing the Aspirin and Paracetamol and being very aware of the problems that can happen with too many of those I think that one little pill just a little stronger than them is better for me until next week when this will be sorted out(I hope).
I have had similar prescribed to me when I hurt my back very badly and could not walk at all,so I know that they work and have only that one side affect on me...Talking/Typing even more rubbish than normal.!


Dea Report 27 Oct 2010 17:18

O.K. Fans,

As long as you have it 'under control' !!

Dea x


Cynthia Report 27 Oct 2010 17:28

LK, click on the person's name and see if you have had correspondence with them in the past.

Feeding time here too...>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>looking for kitchen.


Dea Report 27 Oct 2010 18:47

O.K. then folks - I have gone back 300+ pages !!

Fry's turkish delight !!

Nibble off the chocolate from the outside and then eat the red 'gooey stuff' from the inside.

Lick fingers.......... enjoy !!!

Dea x